Aug 14, 2013 15:14
Welcome to the first ever round of The Weekly Newsroom Poll's; Democracy in Action
Voting is simple. Click the button next to your favourite minor character. The vote is split into two because livejournal will only allow me so many fields per poll, meaning if your lucky and your have two favourites across the two polls, go nuts! This might be a democracy but it's a slightly corrupt democracy where loopholes allow you to vote twice.
At the end of the week I'll collate the answers and post them to tumblr and if I'm feeling productive, I'll gif.
Basically this fandom is fun, fantastic and fabulous, and filled with lots of interesting and informed people and I wanted an excuse to pick your brains. And provide something fun for us all to argue debate until the next episode.
So, vote vote vote and enjoy!
Your Votemaster General,
Poll Favourite Newsroom Minor Characters
show: the newsroom