Title: (featherlight) string theory
Rating: T
Pairing: Will/Mackenzie
A/N: Written for the livejournal ficathon. I hope this makes sense.
Prompt: AU; where would they be if she had never told him
Hint: Follow the roman numerals
Summary: Possibility is infinite. Five realities Will and Mackenzie could have lived.
“I work thirty feet from the life I could have had if I hadn’t been so stupid” )
Comments 12
Can't wait to see what you write next!
Personally, the v storyline is my personal headcanon for how they might turn out further down the line in our reality. Hopefully. PLEASE MR. SORKIN ;)
ta! x
And yeah, I love V, especially when he overhears Mac talking to the others about what happened.
It's way to late where I am and I'm half asleep but I think i hyperventilated when I read that.
I'm glad it made sense? ;)
I'm glad it took a while as well! The best thing about stories is the build up, especially these types. AND YOU MUST WRITE THIS NON-LINEAR STORY YOU SPEAK OF because you are right, there is not enough, and I love it!
I would just about die of I ever got to meet Mr. Sorkin, let alone write with him. I'd faint right through the floor.
I can't decide on the scenario I like the most, especially with all that happened in the new season and and and .... I JUST LOVE THIS SO MUCH, is all.
I can't decide on the scenario I like the most, especially with all that happened in the new season and and and .... I JUST LOVE THIS SO MUCH, is all.
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