Jan 18, 2005 21:58
soooooooo today i was like dead !!!!!..so freakin tired! ...i went snowboarding yesterday with claiton and nick i. hahaha sooooo funny nick fucking got stuck on the lift when we were getting off !!!! lol it was the funniest thing ive ever seen !!!! also hella funny ....when he fuckin fell right before this jump and like slid up the jump and off the side lol !! i think he just gets nervous and falls so he doesnt actually have to go off the jump hahaha ...so yea overall it was a hella fun day! claiton is good he was helpin me out and whatnot but yea .......and i did NOT point out that fuckin penis tree ! ...but yea definetly gotta go again
todaaaay school ..blah ...soccer practice ..we had to run four booms for not being there yesterday ..hella gay dude but whatever it was worth it haha came home and i had the gymnastics banquet at my house...FINALLY!!...it was fun laurie...our coach...got us t shirts that are cute and we had pizza and everything! ...HAHA laurie ..."DENIED" she is so cute i love her
watched american idol..i love that show ! and now i am here doing nothing with my life explaining my day to god knows who for like no reason