Jan 17, 2008 14:44
A pet peave of mine is hearing people with the sniffles. These people could blow their noses, and wouldn't have anyhthing to worry about for the next few minutes, but instead, they decide to keep snorting it up....every freakin' second.
I first started noticing how much--and how annoying it is when--people do that when I noticed my dad sniffling constantly. And belive me, it can get on your nerves--especially when you wake up to such a sound.
And honestly, it drives me mad inside.* I try to take tests, and I'm surrounded* by people with colds.
But that's not all I notice: I also notice how people in general keep their mouths open while they're eating. Eww. Dogs eat like that.
And then you have the people who cough and sneeze all over the place.
Of course, I'm being a hypocrite. While I manage to close my mouth while I eat*, and you therefor can't hear me, I may cough before I raise my arm on some occasions, and I typically rake my hand through my hair. I suppose it's just safe to say human life for the most part is fairly disgusting: in so many ways.
So when Gustavo broke up with Jane, it became the perfect time for Com, from D&D, and a Dusche who's name I forget, to start sitting at the table. Oh, why Gustavo! Why did you have to leave. The unity of the table is infected by a toxin that scorches the very structure of where we sit.
So Com is a freshman, and is stuck up*. He talks about Yu-gi-Oh with Dirk. (How depressing.) And Frank(Dusche) is a person that if you ask people around the school, they'll probably say they hate. It's hard not to see why.
So on this one occasion, Frank isn't in the lunchroom, and I am no longer exiled from the space that his lumbering body takes up.
Com sits there and calls Jane fat, who retaliates by pointing out that she would rather have a unique personality, unlike the bimbos across the table.
(God, I sound like a teenage girl.)
Then Franko appears, and squeezes in through a small space between two of the people. She goes to the next empty table. And eventually, Paul2, Dirk, Dick*, and one other person walks over to the table, leaving Frank and Com at the other table. Then Com goes to that other table and continues to bother her--but he eventually leaves.
So I have a picture of a half dragon, with a spear in one hand, a sword in the other hand, and with his tail and one of his feet he knocks an arrow on a bow.
Below him an innocent bird and a puppy dog are completely screwed. And a caption below says, "Show no Mercy."
Oh, and D&D isn't this week. :(
1. That's German for shower XD
2. I realize I sound rather freakish
3. it looks like I spelt that wrong
4. though I can't see myself eat, so I may be wrong
5. but I suppose it's pointless to call a freshman stuck up, since it's implied
6. funny name, awesome friend.
7. like a lizardman