This past week could perhaps have been more productive, but on all but one I managed to get something accomplished.
Over the past few weeks I've gotten more involved in the BDSM community. I enjoyed some play a few days back. Admittedly, I needed some space from humanity in general after that. The whole experience felt like a bit of an overload.
Fortunately, there is a supportive community to lean on. When someone offers to be your bail-out call it really says something about their character. And you know, I similarly helpful people at every munch I go to. I feel less alone, less weird. I don't know when I'll be in another vanilla relationship, but I think following the route I'm going for a while may be just what I need.
Today is beautiful. It's 60 degrees, gloomy, and rainy. Days like these make me feel great. As of this moment I am listening to a podcast about number stations, combining with the steady patter of rain and darkness to leave me feeling whole.
Also a few things I've done:
- Christmas shopping is almost complete
- I attended a filk night. I really aught to attend more.
- Various chores
- Being social!
I have one more week of vacation to go. I wonder if I can still fit in visiting Thirst Edition, visiting Madison, and going swing dancing. The latter two I know I can at least combine.