Oh, so NOW I'm awake.

Nov 12, 2014 23:06

I had opened a few good tabs for some job opportunities, but I was in too much of a fog to do much more than that at the time.
Then I got distracted and started reading about McMurdo Station.
That's something that comes and goes off of my bucketlist. I could always just run a marathon on that continent, but my mind has been on the matters of the sea and of aquatic biology.
My textbook by the title of Invertebrate Biology. I need to find some additional reading on the larval stages of crabs.
Then again, I can't really find the urge or time to read the book on Virology that I checked out. I would often try to read it after work, but I was dead by that point in the day. Strange, really.
The initial fog that happened was something to do with the shit mood as well as the fact that the weather went from comfortable enough where I could walk around in a t-shirt if I kept moving to getting out my pea-coat. Seriously, two days ago it was good weather in this part of Wisconsin. It's a bit sudden, but the temperature drop seems like it's staying at a cold temp.
I'm a bit grateful, to be honest. It's annoying when you take the bus and switch between two different houses with no thought or fortune given to having a stable schedule. There were days where I might slug around a coat I didn't need for days just for the situations where we might get sleet and cold for all of one day.
Did I mention how grateful I am for having a car?
My shit mood is still largely due to me not knowing what shape my cat is truly in. I'd really like for his kidneys to not die. Of course, my mom doesn't seem worried about this and is more concerned with going on another trip to a casino.
Fucking Christ. there's creditors and taxmen calling her left and right and she finds it suitable to go out gambling.
I'm not saying I am good with money. I can list off a few spots where I could have saved a considerable sum, but there are some extremes that are just too obvious.
When I'll be able to afford moving out, I can't be sure. Granted, if I try and get a job that involves travelling right off the bat it doesn't seem worthwhile to bother looking for a place until a few months in. Even then, I'd be unable to take the cats with me.
Some people are just better set for packing up and leaving.
It's a fantasy I've been having lately. It runs in the blood, so I tell myself. Seek relative solitude and live out your days in some amount of quiet study and labor.
Perhaps I'll take a little trip out to a city or something over winter break. That is, if Amelia's health is well and I find that other job that I need. 

nature, books, work, school, winter, cats

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