Jan 23, 2014 21:56
I will also need a four-figure salary.
I signed up for a site that works through the school and sends out notifications on jobs and internships.
Also, mosquitoes are fascinating*.
I am quite sleepy which is a good thing so far as I'm concerned. I have class earlier in the morning on Friday's. The upside is I would be able to feasibly work a job on said days, as I am done by 10. Granted, the idea of leaving the house is not something I look forward to. Yesterday I think the temperature got in the low teens.
It felt great.
Today was a bit different. I figured if I've got any reason to be in the area tomorrow-- I heard how bad it's going to get tomorrow. We're having another cold spell.
I think I'll skip school should it not be cancelled.
I hope she doesn't have to be at school herself.
I mean, apparently she will be quite busy, but we found ourselves talking on the phone for a bit. My talkativeness and short-term memory issues and her lack of excitement with her homework resulted in an amusing enough conversation.
Perhaps I can talk to her another day.
I'm also going to assume the homework was juggling knives while translating Democritus into German...
It's a *slight hyperbole, but she is quite brilliant to say the least.
I do believe I shall assign her a pseudonym on livejournal. The overreliance on pronouns is getting a little annoying.
I loath the idea of skipping school either way.
As my arrangement of sentences continues to transmutate I can't help but think that sleeping will come easy.
1. New reading material.
2. ATTENTION: Oxymoron ahead.