
Oct 26, 2015 08:15

7:49AM - 10.26.2015 - Mood: Yesterday for 10.25 was morning was 50% grey then went to 70 percent than back to 10%

Woke up again early around 11:30AM. Or at least early enough to be called AM still.
Both Mom and Dad were up but Dad was in one of his moods. Sometimes I think he has want I have or just has panic attacks like I do where I get angry and freak out and shout at people.
I know that I do it. I think he does too. I shout my stuff on Twitter or here now then at my parents. Or be mean to my dogs. Worse feelings to push off you puppies when they just want affection...you can see it there eyes. Then you just feel like shit because you just got angry at them for no reason.

Anywho how my morning went was kinda like started out nicely. Got up on my own and before noon but when I got out of the bathroom. Putting on my socks. I hear Dad's voice from his(my) desk say something you can't school the dogs or that because I don't get up early I have no right to school him or anyone. Mom is/was talking to me at the bottom of the stairs and looks at me. Gives me a look to say what Dad usually say while talking to Grandpa- "Calm Blue Ocean." So I don't start up an argument with Dad first thing. Which is hard to do seeing as I haven't had any food or tea yet. I feel my annoyance raise as I wrestle my socks on. I just sort of glare at the stairs and grow quiet. My only defense against this.

I have something for food. I forgot what- probably cereal like usual and I get tea while the two are taking the dogs for a walk. By the time they come back they are debating on going out a for an hour. They do but come back within 20 minutes. 'Demanding' Wanting me or Dad wants me to come with them for lunch. I go along. Can't hurt right hanging out with them while I am awake before noon.

First thing to go was to Calumet for a camera bag which turned out to be a bust. Everything looks like a lunch bag or a nappy bag. Like do you have dappers or a camera in there?
Afterwards we go to lunch-grab food which is around 2/3pm. A little late because of trying to decide where and what to do. I didn't have anything to do with this because I was or already thought I was staying home. Letting the two crazies-my parents go out and do stuff.

Lunch: Decided but found out later that the place we wanted to go wasn't liked or was complained about by the person suggested it. Lesson here is never say an option that you dislike seeing as it will and probably will the one picked. Dad didn't want to go there because of stomach or whatever issues. Being a complete stick in the mad. Can't have any fun. Why should we ever leave the house fun kind.

After lunch or during was quiet. Some laughs but mainly with a pouty Dad and a Mom not wanting to have an argument in the place(Dad asking and Mom saying it's fine or she's fine.) As I didn't hear any of this complaint till much later in the day.

Afterwards we dropped off the wet blanket, mainly worried about work and getting things done. Also worrying needlessly. Mom and I head to the fabric store to look for cosplay stuff. Another bust. Being so close to Halloween you would think they would have tons of orange fabric?
NOPE. This is when Mom unleashed all that she had kept quiet about. During I just listen and check my mom while she drives crazy and everyone else around her. I sat in the front....big mistake but it was easier to talk to her that way. In the bak of the B you can not hear anything the people sitting in the front are saying. It's easier to zone out.

Having to deal with a few more busts we headed home to dinner. To a freaking out Dad. Freaking out work and saying that he should've done it in the morning then later in the evening. Also that we should've had dinner out and left him at home. I got kinda annoyed by this when we came back and Dad said it when I mentioned we should've picked up Five Guys. 5Guys isn't or not on our usual food list. But the two of us can't eat without Dad. Our 'pack' doesn't work like that.

Did go to Toy's R Us. A lot of toys but I have to get my KIKIPOP! <3

After a few talks and myself out of it and on the couch I hear we are having a quick snack of wanton and crab rangoon from our Chinese Place. Woo! Actually nice. A fun nice dinner. Quiet without a lot of dog barking.

After dinner I fell asleep on the couch and went to bed at 11PM. Got up at 4AM.
Ooops.... I stayed reading and it is now 7AM.....wait 8:11AM now, as I write this.

• Things that were nice
- Got up Before Noon
- Cuddled with Puppies
- Didn't fight with Dad much
- Talked to someone that I wanted to

- Shower
- Finish App
- Work Out
- Stop Picking my Booboos
- Do my hair regularly
Did - Daily Stuff (Brush teeth, dedrotent, day time clothes)

- Write
- Draw

mute grey, goals, emotions, dinner, life, grey, parents

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