So, Waterloo Road (my favourite school based, pre watershed train wreck) returned tonight.
Here are my thoughts which include some slash and spoilers
Waterloo Road returns to BBC One, and Rachel is determined to put the chaos caused by Max Tyler's dramatic departure firmly behind them. For Kim is not so easy to forget as she reveals that she is expecting Max's baby.
It’s year eight pupil Bianka Vale's birthday but the only present she wants is to spend time with her dad Gary who has separated from her mum. When Gary turns up at school Bianka is delighted to see him and persuades Grantly to allow her to leave with him. What Grantly doesn’t realise is there is a court order out against Gary, banning him from having unsupervised access to his children.
First and formost HELLO TIGGER!! long time no see. I must admit I was a big grange hill fan back in the day (well 5 years ago) and so I may or may not have squeed when I saw him
I mean look how adorable he was
Then, I noticed all the slashy goodness that there was namely:
Rachel/KimSharky (the new boy)/Josh (Tom's son) - Now, I actually believe that could be canon. Because, was it just me or were they totes setting up for Josh to have a crush on Sharky especially, since in the promos Tom's forbidding Josh from seeing him a la Romeo and Juliet.
Oh, and Steph/Ruby and possibly Steph/Jo, although I prefer them as friends (I like the straight girl, gay girl friendship).
Also, was it just me or did Grantly seem a little pissed that Sharky didn't think he was attractive haha (at the beginning of the episode)
I stop rambling in a minute but I have the urge to make icons of Rachel (aka HBIC) when she's in the field/lake/explosion to pahlava. The scene was just pretty and it did make me a little emotional.