Oct 25, 2005 02:42
So I'm not sure if it's just because it's been a soap opera for the most part for people outside of Coll and myself, or just because people like to gossip. But it seems that people don't agree with Coll and myself talking about the future at all. The running line is it's way to early to discuss such things. Well - 4 months into dating typically might be. Of course, typically two people don't know each other for 10 years prior to those 4 months. I guess that time counts for nothing. I'm not going to argue that time spent as friends and time spent dating is exactly the same, but part of those 10 years was in fact dating. Many of the early questions of dating are answered. The family issue is negated due to past history. There is a lot we knew about each other prior to dating - the pros and cons were weighed before even going on date #1. So now that things work, and we're both going in with level heads, everyone else still feels the need to condemn us for some reason. It boggles my mind, but apparently we aren't the people to make the best decisions for our own lives. Well - I guess it's too bad then, because I've never been one to follow the crowd or make the popular decision just because it is popular. I know what I want (wanted for years)... I know what I've got (finally)... and no one else is going to make me feel otherwise. I don't really think anyone has taken the moment to look at things from our point of view, and until I get the impression someone has, I don't think they can offer balanced advice to begin with.
Ok - not sure why, but I needed to vent a bit. I'm better now. :-)