Title: The Brightest Star
[CLICK HERE]Genre: Drama
Rating: T (suitable as K+, but the story is rather deep for children)
Summary: The mother of Ai (Amber) reflects on the death of her child, as well as leaving her husband, Dr. Fuji, due to his obsession with attempting to bring her back. In her turmoil she feels alone, but is she?
Format: One-shot
Hey there!
I'm Val, a 20-year-old living in northwestern Michigan, also known as the middle of nowhere.
This is the first time I've joined a fanfiction community other than the horrible creation known as Fanfiction.net. After ignoring that website for years (as well as writing, ack...), I finally submitted a new work to there. Yet as I skimmed through page after page under the Pokémon category, I noticed that nothing there has improved since 2001-2005. In fact, it seems to have become worse.
That said, I linked a friend of mine to my fanfic. She then suggested that I should post it here just so I can avoid Fanfiction.net. Judging by the maturity of the posts here, it seems to me that you're all older/more experienced writers, and that is the kind of people I'm seeking. I just can't bring myself to plow through horrible fanfics at FF.net again in hopes of finding a decent one. I know they exist (believe me, some of my all-time favorites are hosted there), but...eh... you get my point XD
That said, I have finally written a new fanfic since 2005. My skills are somewhat rusty, but I hope you enjoy it and my future works anyway. Also, I am very open to suggestions.
The fic I have linked to is my newest work. Enjoy!