Analysis Of The' Dangerous' Album Cover

Aug 16, 2009 19:55

Cool article i found

Album Art Direction: Nancy Donald and Mark Ryden Dirección del Arte del Álbum: Nancy Donald y Mark Ryden

Cover Design: Mark Ryden Diseño de Tapa: Mark Ryden

The creator of the cover of "Dangerous" was the cartoonist Mark Ryden. It took six months to completion. . Much of the life of Michael Jackson is reflected in both her image and symbols. . This artist was born on January 20, 1963, in Medford, Oregon, California. The year 1987 was received by the School of Design in Pasadena. Among its clients include Stephen King, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, etc ...

Michael Ryden hired because this is a fan of circus posters from the beginning of last century, and had the mentality necessary to interpret the images they wanted Jackson on the cover.  Account cartoonist Michael asked very specific things, and I did own analogies to give rise to these symbols ... Michael told me that the design should be mysterious, so people will interpret it in their own way ... "

An example of the works of cartoonist Mark Ryden

Let's analyze this cover design, step by step:

1 - The name "Michael Jackson" on his eyes gives way to a huge theatrical mask that seems to want to cover everything. . Since the center dominates the whole scene perfectly.  Eyes and perfect brows with a small tuft of hair falling from his forehead and a dark skin, make a perfect ornament for domination.

2 - On a fairy appears the head of a monkey about to be crowned.  It is his chimp Bubbles who died in 1989(wrong, bubbles is still alive and kicking). It should be noted that all of the work environment is virtually covered by animals.

3 - In the middle are several animal groups: a peacock, representing true glamor and gorgeous as is usually the entertainment world, an elephant with a number 9 on the front (which is next to number 7 in the most prominent numerology), a rhinoceros, a walrus, and so on.

4 - On each side of Michael's eyes are two faces with clown hats. . Both represent the world of the circus but also of the theater as they are in the classic view of theater, one crying and one laughing.

5 - Two musical angels appear on both sides of a star of good fortune, announcing the sound and music.

6 - A prehistoric man, perhaps a warrior tribe (the age is an obsession with Michael Jackson).  In their hands accompanies this great concert with two cymbals.

7 - There are more angels in the left side of the image, this time an angel child and other children in a few fish in the best tradition of the guys calesita or alive.

8 - An entry 8 - Una entrad
to a kind of "ghost train" or "labyrinth of terror.On board the cars are again the monkey "Bubbles", which can be a rat "Ben" a Antipolo and an elephant.  This entrance is flanked by a classic pirate symbol denoting evil but to turn the adventure, as this in such passages.

9 - On the left hand is a half open, which is because of Michael Jackson on three fingertips are the traditional "sales". Appears on his palm stopped a black child holding the skull of the elephant man, whose remains wanted to buy but did not succeed.. On that Palm appears drawn a map representing the presence of Michael Jackson as a star around the world. The wrist is the number 7, as he had said next to 9 are special numbers in numerology.

10 - In the bottom center of the scene appears a sort of conveyor belt surrounding a galactic world upside down, you have in your apartment a lot of symbols that represent dangers such as guns and caravels, technological advances such as rockets and mysteries of science as atoms and chains of particles. 10 - En el centro inferior de la escena aparece una especie de cinta transportadora galáctica que rodea a un mundo al revés, que tiene en su piso un montón de símbolos que representan peligros como caravelas y pistolas, avances tecnológicos como cohetes y misterios de la ciencia como atomos y cadenas de partículas.

11 - Here is the image of Barnum, creator of the world's most famous circus, as a tribute to this home very explicit "circus."  The bust is in the flap of the bag with a pin number "1998" and if we add 1 +9 +9 +8, the result is 27 (the number seven in numerology favorable) and adding 2 +7 gives 9 (the other number positive).

12 - The output of this "bridge" or "ghost train" since the end of the story, everything has changed.  Bubbles disappeared and in its place, but Michael is sitting with his child star image, behind the skeleton of the Elephant Man (who as we speak) really happy behind his friend Macaulay Culkin and closing the Antipolo row ends up being another skeleton.

13 - A Greek eye appears on the front top of the exit of the labyrinth.  God is a symbol of everything that is protective.

14 - Michael  an admirer of the masters of painting have added two universal s dinner is a classic within a glass sphere and the other in one of the pillars of the Afghan king dog that is explained below.

15 - In the middle of the table on the right side the picture of the dog in Afghan throne.  The image is inspired by the painting called "Napoleon on his Throne" painted by the artist Jean-Auguste Ingres in the year 1806.  The box is housed in Paris in the Army's M useo which also found against the tum ba Napoleon.

16 - There are two other figures that are part of the Dangerous cover that are included in the luxury three-dimensional version is a two-legged dog and a girl holding a body in his arms with a huge beetle verd e.

Undoubtedly the cover of "Dangerous" next to the cover design of "Sergeant Pepper" by The Beatles are the two most caps in the history of music.

The stories told by the illustrator MARK RYDEN

Account Mark Ryden, illustrator of the cover of "Dangerous" that had previously worked with the Art Director for Sony, Nancy Donald in many other projects and when it commissioned the project she thought Michael Jackson in it.
  Michael Jackson showed him a book with his work and liked it a lot. Then Ryden met with the King of Pop in his study where he could hear some of his new music and talked about the idea.

. Since then he had a week to create a few strokes, making 5 pencil drawings.  Only one was elected, the outline of the current slide.

The other four sketches that were not accepted by Michael Jackson, but had the same style in general that the cover of "Dangerous."  One was a circus poster with a skeleton jumping from the innards of a clown and another was focused on a girl in his hand holding a skull, another idea was very similar to the final cover, but the scene was set and the outdoors Michael Jackson's eyes were mixed with the clouds on Bubbles the chimp who was standing on a pile of animals.

Mark Ryden added that the first sketches for the cover of "Dangerous" is great inspiration in the video for the song "Leave Me Alone" in the feature film "Moonwalker", assuring that "it was the image, design and objects were brilliant. "

The cover of "Dangerous" was the biggest thing Mark Rydennwas asked to do till date, it took six months of hard work. . Although the original painting is very large, the great challenge for the designer was that by reducing the size of a cover of a compact disc detail the concept and not disappear.

One of his points of inspiration for many details of the subjects was to listen to that album Michael Jackson was finishing his record and song titles also serve to introduce some concepts. That was the title of the album and the song "Dangerous" provided a starting point for the basis of the drawing.

Mark Ryden says that despite the great advances in digital technology, the picture is not supported by computers and nothing is done to the old style, only brush with acrylic paint on a panel, which still remains in its original study, but he was asked by Michael Jackson or the art of division of Sony Music, the latter just bought the reproduction rights.  Ensures the artist as anyone else could buy the original drawing.

As for the freedom to create his work, Ryden had the great opportunity to draw without pressure, except for some very special additions to the Michael Jackson asked near the end of the work. For example, wanted the actor Macaulay Culkin  in a car leaving the tunnel attraction on the right and which is placed the pin "1998" on the lapel of the jacket P. Barnum.


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