So, I was invited this morning to join a cause on Facebook: "Support the 13 Troops Who Gave Their Lives & Never got a Headline because of Michael Jackson." And it just frustrated me so much! I mean, yes, the men and women who fight to protect their countries are brave and amazing. But military service is not the ONLY way to be valuable to humanity. Seriously, when you consider contributions on an individual basis, Michael saved more lives than any single soldier. And he certainly saved more lives as an entertainer donating millions to charity and individuals than he ever could have as a soldier.
Now, as MJ stans I'm sure we would be the first to agree that the media focuses on inappropriate things. And maybe if it were ANYONE ELSE beside Michael I'd be inclined to join the group. But Michael? The only way you could be a member of that group in good conscience, I'm convinced, is if you are completely ignorant of his charity work
What do you guys think? (I know we are an international community and this is a rather American topic, but please don't think that makes your opinion invalid!)
FTR, here's a list of his charity work (not just the foundations, but actual stuff he did): And a cute WAZZUP Michael for your time: