It just goes to show, we're really not alone, you guys! (Unless, of course... OKAY. WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THIS? hahaha)
Yesterday I went into New York City to visit a friend of mine, and on our way up towards Times Square, we found this "little" gem on the corner of 40th Street and Broadway/7th Avenue:
Full figure:
Pretty neat, right? He looks like he's even got a halo. :)
While I was snapping a picture of it, this one guy tried to get in on the photo and pose like the figure. LOL. My friend and I had a good laugh.
I think the isolation we're feeling as MJ fans stems from the fact that we're so spread out, away from cultural hubs like cities. Stepping outside my small New Jersey county, I've definitely concluded that the effects of mass cultural phenomena (like the passing of MJ), are much more apparent in the cities, if not for the fact that they're attracting a much larger range of people all the time. There's more of a chance you'll find someone who's sympathetic, anyway.
I mean.. HELL! I stepped into the frickin' BORDER'S as soon as I left Penn Station, and they were blasting "Rock With You" throughout the whole store! Even tribute novels and magazines lined the front of most news stands and bookstores.
I'm sorry I didn't get to the city sooner! I definitely would have been celebrating his life along with the rest of New York City had I gotten the chance.
Also, I want to take this time to thank all of you that read or commented on my
Trying to See Through the "Gloss" post about a week ago. I'm sorry I didn't manage to get back to you all. All of your answers were very heartfelt and enlightening. I'm glad to have contributed such a positive post to this community.
As for my own answer when it comes to what I see when I look at Michael sans the media-induced "gloss", I see a beautiful man, with multiple gifts, an amazing brain, and the biggest of hearts. I also see a friend. And most importantly, I see someone who is very much like myself.
Shamone! <3