Jun 25, 2011 18:00

That epic MJ must-see/must-hear post I've been hassling you all about? It's finally here!

Granted, it still needs a LOT of work (I have an insanely busy weekend going on, but I was determined to post something, even if it had to be unfinished), but I hope you guys approve all the same.

Click the image to go there! And please, do feel free to share the link with anyone you think might even be remotely interested. The idea behind this was to share more of Michael with as many potentially curious people out there who are open to seeing and hearing more than they probably have before. (And it will be finished, ideally, by Monday night. Promise!)

Much L.O.V.E. to you all today, and thank you again SO much for all your help. ♥

epic post, downloads

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