Nov 19, 2004 15:33
hey guys..i thought i sould write something before i return to my regular school days ..starting again tommorow.... -.-
i wanna tell you that i had fun this week cicsting my relatives..and some visited us fiance came to visit on saturday..i had embaressing time..cause my sisters like to do anything to let me be shy..*.*
he came see me..hehe..two hours after he gone..i went to his villa to say hi to his mother and sister....he was in his room..when he heared the noise he came out from his room..and guess what! half naked...good thing i didn't see him my sisters did and told me...
i remember time after we got short time...he came to my house with his brother...his brother didn't let him see me..and i heared this conversatin:
fiance:hey let me in..
his brother: why? what do you want?
F:i wanna see her..
H.B:no you won't..
F: hey..let me see her..
H.B: don't cry..okay...i won't let you...
F: .........!!!
H.B:look you will have her you know what i mean so why are you crying out loud like a baby..
and he really didn't let him in....imagin what i was going threw..hearing that conversatin...*.*
he acts so wired when he talk to me...if he loughed he exaggerate...he always nervous when he talks to me..i can't help it..!
i guess you got bored reading about my fiance..anyways i wanted to share...^.~
i will miss you all..i will try my best to reply to your posta...and thankyou very much nicole for the good times we lived together..i will miss you the most..^.^