Well first day at my internship it was interesting it was nothing like what I hoped it would be i'm not trying to make that out like in a bad way or nothing but it wasn't all that fun too. I work at the media section of the college library right across the street from my school which is a good thing practically the only good thing. Man oh man this is really tough work. But it's kind of
if you know what I mean. But it's a job no matter what the concequences and I can't afford to get fired or I fail seminar. There were alot of friendly people there but this one guy kept staring and smiling at me which was bizarre and this other really nice guy gave me some gum
. And my boss is really nice.
Right now I just downloaded KazaaLite it's much better than Kazaa v2.5 because it blocks pop-ups and ip's and its alittle faster
I love it. It works terrifically! im just downloading a few songs right now that I had on my other kazaa. Its not that many because the other one I had was new too that I got last week but I didn't like it very much thats why
Ashley told me how great KazaaLite is. Wow Even Stevens going on g2g tah-tah!
+ listening too Price to Play- Staind
+ drinkin water
+ my love of the day "Tom Welling"