Code Geass: Jeux de Role (Rolo/Lelouch)

Jan 05, 2009 23:32

...Wow, I haven't posted here in a LONG time. As a peace offering, though... I come bearing CG PWP smut with a good handful of kinks. XD Taken straight from cgkinkmeme, and I'm working on the sequel.

Title: Jeux de Role
Author: shamera
Character/Pairing(s): Rolo/Lelouch (yes, in that order)
Rating: NC-17
Warning: ...almost incest? I mean, Rolo and Lelouch aren't really related, but how Rolo goes on about his brother can be somewhat creepy. Blindfolds. Role play. Oral. Anal. Voyeurism. (They're in a classroom, having sex on a table. That's public enough for me.) But to be honest, the only requested kink was Suzaku. The rest are my attempts to be creative.
Summary: Lelouch loves Suzaku, Rolo loves Lelouch... and Rolo loves Lelouch enough to give him Suzaku... in his own way.

There they were again. Talking together. Smiling together. Laughing together.

The two boys stood just a little too close; their expressions just a little too tender. If Rolo hadn't known that they were actually enemies... enemies rather than the closer-than-friends image that they portrayed, he would have thought that perhaps the two of them were having clandestine meetings. If Rolo hadn't known where his brother was every second of the day, he would have not hesitated to slit Suzaku's throat and blame it on some sort of accident. He could do it. He was sure he could.

Lelouch claimed that it was because he had to keep up the act of having lost his memories. But Rolo knew his brother better than that. They were siblings, after all. There was nothing that Rolo didn't know about Lelouch. The older boy had always been weak against the Knight of Seven. Had always accommodated the other into his plans. It was heart-wrenching to Rolo to watch his beloved brother's gaze linger on the Eleven.

Heart-wrenching because his brother deserved to have everything he wanted. Heart-wrenching because that tender gaze wasn't gifted to Rolo's person.

So it was only expected that Rolo would try his best to gift his brother with what he wanted. And was it really selfish of him that he partake in that gift as well?

It wasn't two weeks after the Knight of Seven's appearance in school that Rolo decided to take action.


The violet eyed assassin ran his fingertips over the light curve of Lelouch's face, marveling at the soft skin. There was a whimper from underneath the gag, but Rolo hushed his brother quickly. It wouldn't do for someone else to find them, after all. Sure, he could get the two of them out of the classroom easy enough without notice, but it would still take several geassed attempts before he could relocate them.

The dark fabric tied securely over the other's eyes served to contrast his pale skin, and although Rolo longed to see those sharp eyes darken in lust, the blindfold was for his brother's enjoyment.

"Don't worry, brother," Rolo whispered lovingly as he undid the buttons of Lelouch's school uniform. It was hard to do so when his brother's hands had been tied behind him, but Rolo managed to make do. The shirt went next, the smooth material sliding down thin arms to brunch around his wrists. "I'll take care of you. I'll be Suzaku for you."

And he would. He would do a better job of loving Lelouch than Suzaku (the cold, cruel traitor who dared to talk to his brother as if they were still friends) ever could, and maybe one day those sharp violet eyes would look at him with that same kind of love Lelouch looked at Suzaku with.

Rolo had been observing the Eleven's mannerisms for a week now, and by now he could almost imitate the way the other boy spoke; the slight accent when saying Lelouch's name.

Hands caressed their way down the smooth chest, lightly massaging pink nipples with the palm of his hand. How beautiful. His brother was beautiful. The way the other boy arched into his touches, yet tried not to. The way that long throat would move as Lelouch swallowed hard. His hands made their way down to the flat abdomen, fingertips lingering at the soft skin atop the waistband of the standard uniform pants.

Rolo leaned in close to his brother and rested his cheek against the side of Lelouch's face, lowering his voice in a husky imitation of someone his brother loved so dearly. "Isn't this what you wanted, Lelouch?"

And while one hand was unfastening the uniform pants, the other hand sneaked around the dark-haired boy to release the light gag. They should be quiet. It wouldn’t do to be caught. But at the same time, Rolo wanted so very much to hear his brother's voice. The voice that inspired millions of people.

"What do you think you're doing, Rolo?" Was the first thing asked as the gag fell away, but the vehemence at the beginning of the sentence was lost as the younger boy pushed his hand insistently against Lelouch's crotch.

"Shh, Nii-san." The hand fell away before Rolo moved to straddle his brother's lap, aligning their crotch before giving a rough thrust. "Right now, I'm not your little brother. I'm Suzaku."

Lelouch looked like he was about to protest, but the sudden thrust seemed to cut off his words in his throat. It was also the finger on his lips, cutting off any sounds before it could form.

"You shouldn't speak, Lelouch," Rolo said, deepening his voice. "Just sit back and enjoy."

Rolo ran his hands up the thin shoulders, skimming across the pale and fragile neck, moving up to frame the sides of Lelouch’s pale face, fingers entwined in the soft black hair. He moved in to kiss the older boy, eyes closing as he pretended that it wasn't Suzaku who Lelouch was thinking of, that it was perhaps him his brother was thinking of when the slack mouth under his own began responding.

Nii-san... Rolo wanted to say. I love you.

But it wasn't about him this time. It was about Lelouch. It was about the looks that he gave Suzaku despite the fact that the other boy was more than willing to turn him in, ready to kill him the moment he gathered proof that Lelouch had regained his memories. It was about love, Rolo thought. It was something he wanted to do for the only person who had ever loved him.

So with that thought in mind, Rolo decided to swallow his own uncertainty and desire for acknowledgement.

"Have you missed me, Lelouch?" He asked; voice more of a husky whisper than anything else. "This past year… Have you forgotten me?"

He could feel Lelouch breathe heavily, and could imagine the dilated pupils and the adoring look in his eyes.

"No," was the reply with a quick lick of his lips. "I could never have forgotten you."

Now this a little more like it.

"It seems like you forgot me." Rolo responded, shifting his weight on Lelouch's lap. The older boy moaned just a little bit, trying to lean into his touches. With a wicked smile, Rolo shifted some more, bringing his lips down to the column of Lelouch's throat as he pulled hard against his brother’s hair, and then brushing feather-light kisses against his breastbone.

"...Rolo, what...?"

Hands held Lelouch's sides as Rolo licked a trail to a pink nipple and bit down gently in retaliation. "Shush, Lelouch. Don't mistake me for your brother right now."

A soundless gasp for air, and Rolo slowly slid off Lelouch's lap to work on sliding the open pants down slender legs.

"Suzaku... what are you doing?"

Rolo frowned as he realized that the pants would not come off without Lelouch's help. "Lelouch, I need you to help me out here." He slid his hands into the thin black briefs to feel the soft skin there. There was a sharp gasp from the older boy before he squirmed out of the pants and briefs, letting the materials fall past legs to pool around his ankles.

There. The long limbs and sharp lines of bone under skin, all pale and unblemished. The patch of black hair atop the half-hard erection.

"Lelouch," Rolo once again leaned into the other boy, one hand bracing the chair and the other readily grasping the fledgling erection. "Lelouch, you're beautiful."

And there was that blush. That mesmerizing stain of red adorning pale cheeks and travelling down the throat. It was as if those words were what broke the final barrier and now Lelouch's face was turned away in embarrassment even as Rolo's hand lightly stroked up and down.

Smiling to himself, Rolo kneeled and dipped his head to nuzzle his cheek against the patch of dark hair, inhaling the musky scent of his beloved brother. He could feel the organ beneath his face twitch, growing more interested. "Did you think of me when we were apart, Lelouch? All those years? I thought of you... all the time. The smoothness of your skin, the sound of your voice..." Rolo licked a wet line on the inner part of Lelouch's thigh, stopped and the jucture between leg and hip, biting lightly at the flesh. "Mmm... you taste like peaches, Lelouch."

There was a whimper from the boy above, and Rolo could feel the legs in his grasp shaking.

"Suzaku," The elder boy was twisting in his softened restraints now, "Why are you doing this?"

"Why...?" Rolo lifted his head to stare at his brother. Why? "Because I can't get you out of my head. Because of the way you look at me. You want this. I know you want this. Because of the way you smile at me. Because of your eyes. Because..." Rolo had to bite back his words. Because you are my beloved brother. Because I love you. No. He wasn't going to do this as Rolo Lamperouge. He was going to try his best to answer as Kururugi Suzaku. He was going to answer in a manner that would please his brother. "Because I can never forget you. Because for some reason, you dominate my thoughts no matter where I am, no matter who I'm with."

Rolo knew his brother better than anyone else. He knew that what he had just said was what his brother wanted to hear, and what that blasted Eleven would never say.


Rolo leaned in to press a kiss to Lelouch's lips to steal his words from him, pressing his body between naked thighs. "You are my most precious person, Lelouch."

More than Euphemia, was what Lelouch wanted to hear. I forgive you. I love you. I know you didn't mean it. I know you also suffered. But pretending was a delicate balance. Despite the fact that this was what Lelouch would want to hear, it was also something that the Eleven would never say. If he dared cross the line too far, it would shatter the precarious illusion that Rolo wanted to give his brother: those few moments to treasure.

So he couldn't say that. He couldn’t give that dream to his brother. But he could instead give another one.

"So," Rolo continued to speak, his hand sneaking to dip into the lotion that he had liberated from some female students a while ago. The lavender scent reminded him of Lelouch; was perfect for Lelouch. He traced his fingers around the base of the older boy's erection, and down. Down past the soft sacks, and tracing the perineum lightly before touching that clenching opening. "Do you think of me as well, Lelouch?" Rolo leaned down and kissed the head of Lelouch's erection and heard a hiss as he pushed his lotion covered finger into the tight hole.

Lelouch had arched his neck up so that Rolo couldn't properly see his expression from his position, but he longed to see those eyes.

"Yesss..." The answered was barely audible even in the near-silent room, and Rolo smiled as he moved to wet the head of Lelouch's swollen manhood with his lips, sucking gently as he pushed his tongue against the indentation underneath. Rolo took a moment to pull his mouth away.

"What was that, Lelouch?" His tone was deceptively innocent.

"Suzaku..." By now, Lelouch had managed to maneuver his way out of the fabric bindings on his wrists and was clumsily grasping for Rolo. There was an odd tone in his voice when he said, "Do you mean that? Suzaku. I missed you. Suzaku..."

It was oddly hysterical, and while the words and tone wasn't meant for him, Rolo felt a burst of warmth in his chest to be where he was at the moment, bringing those tumultuous emotions from his brother. The muscles clenching around his single finger felt amazing, and Rolo knew it definitely wasn't his pants shrinking in those moments.

"Every word." Rolo whispered against the velvet skin of Lelouch's manhood. "I meant every word." And he did. This was a truth he could give his brother in that combination of selfishness and selflessness. He pressed his tongue firmly against the organ and licked a trail from base to tip, inserting another finger inside that tight ring of muscle as he enclosed the head of that erection with his lips. A tang of bitterness made Rolo moan as his erection responded to the taste of pre-cum.

For a minute, there were no words spoken and the room heard nothing but Lelouch's quiet gasps and heavy breathing, the sounds of flesh against flesh, and Rolo's suckling and his fingers trying to push forward. Tight, so tight... the younger boy thought in near incoherence as he tried to scissor his fingers out. The room was already much too hot, and every slight movement would rub his erection against the fabric of his pants.

By then, Lelouch was trying to lift his hips up from the chair, and Rolo couldn't figure out if he was trying to avoid the painful intrusion or trying to thrust himself deeper into the younger boy's mouth. "Suzaku..." Lelouch breathed out, and Rolo could have cum from the lust-filled tone alone. "Please, more."

And who was he to deny his beautiful, wonderful brother? A third finger, and Lelouch was hissing in pain, trying to squirm away even as Rolo sucked harder, trying to distract Lelouch; replace that pain with pleasure. Oh, but Lelouch was so wonderfully tight. Rolo could more than imagine that tightness and heat encasing his cock, imagine the how it would feel as Lelouch squirmed underneath him, tensing those delicious muscles as he thrust in and out, in and out...

"Suzaku... tell me..."

And Rolo released his brother's cock with a wet popping noise, leaning forward to lick up the remaining saliva and pre-cum even as he continued to prepare Lelouch and whisper worshipping words. "You must be the most beautiful being in existence. Do you know that, Lelouch? How every move you make only accentuates that? I could watch you writing, typing.... I could watch for hours and be forever enchanted by your fingers. I could watch your eyes under the sunlight as they reflect all of you. I could watch you blink as you read and still that would be the most fascinating and beautiful thing in the world. I could watch you sleep, Lelouch, and I would kiss you again and again just to reassure myself that you are real..."

Rolo opened the snap of his pants and pushed it down far enough to free his weeping erection, so ready to greet and pleasure Lelouch. While he thrust his fingers up the other boy's hole with one hand, he reached for the bottle of lotion with the other and squeezed a large mess directly onto his own erection, hissing at the sensation even as he rubbed it liberally over his cock.

"You are my inspiration, my motivation... the source of my turmoil and the source of my peace. You are everything to me, Lelouch." Too late, Rolo realized that he was surely revealing too much of himself. He couldn't tell what he was supposed to say as Suzaku anymore, and what he was saying because that was what he always wanted to say to his brother. But if Lelouch's quiet whimpers of pain and pleasure were any indication, he wouldn't be able to tell Rolo's little slip-up.

Rolo slipped his fingers out of the tight channel and pulled Lelouch up on wobbly feet only to push him onto the table instead. "Do you want me to prove how much you mean to me, Lelouch?" Rolo whispered huskily into the other's ear, making sure to brush his lips lightly against the soft skin, slipping the lobe between his lips. Every sound and shiver the elder boy made was driving Rolo mad with anticipation already.

In one smooth movement, Lelouch managed to turn his head to catch Rolo's mouth in a wet kiss, tongue sliding into the other boy's mouth to massage and conquer. Rolo couldn't bite back the moan of happiness, of satisfaction, of lust. This kiss was perfect. Even as Lelouch tangled both hands into his hair painfully and he drew his brother's face closer, Rolo couldn't begin to imagine a more perfect kiss.

An eternity later and Lelouch finally pulled back, a seductive smile lingering on his lips, only emphasized by the black blindfold. "Show me."

And with those words, Rolo felt the last of his resolve to go slow, to have this entire encounter about his brother, shatter. He moved his body to reclaim Lelouch's lips even as he thrust smoothly into that tight channel, all the way to his balls, both hands grasping the other's hips in a death grip and swallowing his brother's scream.

Tight, tight... so tight and so hot. Even as their lips parted once more and Rolo moved to lick up the escaped tears from under the blindfold, he couldn't stop his hips from making little thrusts. It was almost reflex. It felt like perfection. Utter, utter perfection and Rolo would die before he allowed anyone to take this from him. Even as he was pretending to be Suzaku for his brother, he knew that he would never allow the real Suzaku to feel something as exquisite as this. Lelouch was so tight that it was near painful, but oh, it was such a good pain.

"Oh, gods," Lelouch gasped out, even as he attempted to relax his muscles to accommodate Rolo's length.

But you are God, Rolo's lust-ridden mind wanted to point out. You are the God of my world.

"Are you sure you want me to show you?" is what he managed to say instead. "This is how much you mean to me, Lelouch. You are now the center of my world. And I," and those words were affirmed with a short but firm thrust that made Lelouch gasp loudly, "Cannot rid my mind of you. I should punish you for that." Another sharp thrust. "For this feeling."

Another thrust, and this time Lelouch's cry was different. This time the older boy seemed to sit up a little, and his hands were grasping desperately at Rolo's back. "S-Suzaku. Do that... do that again."

Rolo’s grin turned feral and he thrust in the same manner he had before, only harder than before. And once again, Lelouch cried out, grasping onto Rolo's shoulders tightly even as he demanded, "Again!"

And Rolo obeyed, again and again as he shoved his cock desperately into Lelouch, eyes half shut even as he fixated on the older boy's expressions. In and in and in, again and again and again. Lelouch's expressions and voice was almost as arousing as the tight feeling and shudder Rolo could feel around his cock with every thrust. It was like the breaking of a dam, and Lelouch tried to thrust back with every forward thrust that Rolo made, bringing them even closer together, even deeper. The heat was suffocating, and the only reprieve Rolo could get was through Lelouch.

He just about lost it as he watched Lelouch wrap a hand around himself, squeezing and rubbing at the same pace as Rolo's thrusts.

"Oh, gods, Suzaku, more," the dark-haired boy gasped even as he rubbed himself furiously. "Please, more."

Rolo grunted. "Y-your wish... is my command!" And he lifted Lelouch's long, thin, trembling legs over his shoulders, leaning forward to thrust deeper, so much deeper even as Lelouch screamed with the intensity of the mad lust. He was close, so close... He was two steps from heaven but didn't want to reach it because the journey was so wonderful, so intensely pleasurable... A thrust... another... and he couldn't stop the wild frenzy that was his pistoning hips even as he aimed for release.

So close… and even as he tried to slow down to prolong it, Lelouch seemed to have other things in mind and clenched down hard on Rolo’s length, leaning up bite hard on Rolo’s shoulder, bring all the pain and pleasure cascading up to white.

"Lelouch!" Rolo gasped in that overwhelming feeling as he shot his seed deep into his beloved brother, nearly screaming at the intensity of it all, his fingers surely leaving bruises on the other boy's hips. He thrust again and again as he rode out his orgasm, spurt after spurt filling Lelouch to overflowing, until trickles of white was running out of the abused hole.

And Lelouch screamed Suzaku's name against Rolo’s shoulder as he came, streams of white landing on his stomach and chest, some droplets even splattering against his neck and chin, making Rolo moan lustfully as he watched his brother's cum-splattered face, even as he gave several more weak thrusts and pulled out, watching proudly as his seed slowly dribbled out from the red and stretched hole.

That... that was the most wonderful thing. The best thing he had ever done. Oh, but he loved his brother so. His brother was everything. Absolutely everything.

I love you. The brunet leaned onto his brother and licked off the splatters of white off his chin and neck tiredly, wrapping his arms around his most beloved person. "And now you're mine."

"Yours." Lelouch agreed sleepily. "Yours. Always yours. Only yours. Suzaku..."

And Rolo closed his eyes, and pretended.

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