Nov 17, 2008 16:04
i no longer work for chipotle.
let this be a lesson to all, if you do something stupid, however minute (like manager comp a burrito for a friend), your three years of exemplary behavior mean nothing. spotless record and good repoire? nada. your hr rep will even say that they, all your area managers, and everyone you worked with, would be happy to give you a glowing reference.
but... a "rule's a rule" and there are principles involved.
selective rule enforcement, politics and power play come to mind.
i wouldn't be so angry if i couldn't think of examples where the rule book wasn't thrown. but i can easily think of half a dozen situations where more serious rules are broken (putting people's health in jeopardy with food safety issues, cash handling policy violations that can constitute as theft, etc...) and people still have their job, or when "exceptions" are made in that situation because of blah, blah, blah... oh really?! i thought you were firing me because a rule is a rule and it's been broken.
i call bs.
what's even sadder, is that for a time, i thought i had a good career going, and there was actually a corporation out there with some sense of ethics.
the truth: it's all the same.