Title: Under Advisement (Chapter 4)
Pairing(s)/Characters: Friendship! JongKey, KhunYoung, Nichkhun/Minho, Onew, Jay/Key, Tiffany
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crack, College AU, Romance
Summary: DATE NIGHT! Wooyoung and Nichkhun have their first date! And everything goes swimmingly, that is of course until the entire thing goes down the crapper. Jonghyun
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God you're amazing.
Okay, where to start? First of all, you're spot on with Khun's wardrobe although add a Cosby sweater in there for perfect accuracy. I love how you want to live in this universe despite the fact that you'd be hard-pressed to get laid there. But if you find a way to get there, call me. We'll have tea with Key and Jonghyun. It'll be epic.
I'm jealous of your knitting nerdery because that seems to be what all the cool diy kids are into these days. The shitty dick quote would be cool on a T-shirt but would be better as embroidery.
I'm loving that you love the KeyJay that makes me so happy. You should get more people to write them. I'm so sorry about the lack of JongKey, I actually really love that pairing, but their 1st reality show made it impossible for me to resist their bffery. I'm glad I could ruin the Carpenters for you. LOL!
And I'm pumped that you like back-boned Buck!
Okay okay there's like a million things I want to say to you but most of them would be inappropriate in a public forum. Just know that ILU always, and I totally want to take you to Homecoming.
As always thank you forever for reading and your comments make my soul weep with joy. Stay Gangsta.
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