Since we found our house, I've been obsessing over everything I can do in Toronto.
I applied for multiple jobs, including:
administrative assistant at OCAD
volunteer co-ordinator at the Toronto branch of the Vancouver aquarium (!)
AND, most excited for: Development Associate at this little theatre company called Clay and Paper (pretty much finding ways to make them sustainable forever).
AND I've found many craft collectives/sales I need to be part of:
City of Craft, Good Catch fairs, etc - it looks like I may be able to average about 1-2 shows a month, which will potentially allow me make actual decent money from bookmaking!
AND! I'm going to volunteer at
Descant, and join
CBBAG, and generally be really active and happy again.
I've done all my sad work of quitting jobs, taking my books out of stores I'd consigned in, etc, and now I am just overly, overly excited for the move. I'm mostly excited about being able to: see the CN tower every day/ discover amazing thrift stores/ visit the
Paper Place over-much.
Love and Excitement!