my cat just tried to eat a dime

Sep 09, 2005 16:40

In other news: I just had my nails done. They are pretty in pink. Really I just chose the color because it matched the sweater I was wearing. Anyway I have just finished the fourth week of classes. A month of law school and I am feeling quite confident, well at least most of the time. As is standard with classes I enjoy some more than others, but I only abhor one of my five classes so I think that is a plus.
I think my torts class is my favorite. The subject matter is interesting (assault, battery, false imprisonment etc.) and the teacher is a funny guy. We get to think about hypotheticals that involve "if I were to punch you in the face right now, because I thought it would be funny, would that be a battery? If I did not punch you to be harmful, would it still be a battery?" (by the way yes, it would be) but we just get to come up with crazy hypothetical situations and learn the standard rules that way.
And my contracts teacher, although a bit full of herself is also quite entertaining. On Wednesday I had to be the one with the balls to tell her that she had not assigned the cases she thought she had. Two people had turned down their turn to talk after being called on, and she came to me. Instead of simply saying I hadnt read it, like the two goobers before me, I told her she had not assigned it yet. She thought I was crazy, but when all 80 something people in the room agreed with me she realized she was wrong. It was quite funny. I guess that is what happens when you have two sections of a class - she told them twice and us not at all. But we got things cleared up and I am on the docket for the firing squad next week. I think I am ready for it.
Today I got my first edition of The Chronicle in my mailbox. It really made me feel like an alum. And then I was paging through it and saw people I knew and *sigh* started to reminisce. I got to the back page that has the calendar and felt bad that there would in fact be no homecoming game. Poor footballers. I just hope they dont take their sportish aggressions out elsewhere.
The weather has turned to be more San Francisco like lately - lots of clouds and wind. I like to think of it like a morning at the beach, except this does not burn off. Fall is coming and I am sure to miss the wonderful changing of the colors on all the trees up in P-town. Yes, we have trees in SF, but nothing can compare to the changing of the guard that occurs around the LC campus come fall. When green green and more green changes over to orange and brown and red with the residual green. Here I go reminiscing again.
Anyway this weekend is the Ghiradelli Chocolate Festival and my mom and I are partaking in it tomorrow. My sweet tooth is already looking forward to indulging. For this fine friday evening I look forward to finishing up the second season of Sex and the City (oh Netflix how I adore you), feeding myself some sort of dinner, and possibly a bit of the homework. You know you are into school when you dont feel bad for doing homework on Friday, either that or you know you are a huge nerd, or both.
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