(no subject)

Sep 24, 2004 16:22

We got to vote for Grade Reps this morning. Alex was running, and had given his speech yesterday. In his speech, he altered it slightly and said the word 'Hell'. For this, he was taken out of the running. This is completely unfair, they were just looking for a reason to kick him out. If Andrea or either of the other candidates had said it, they wouldn't have gotten kicked out. Mme.Lemieux-Couture said she would quit if Alex was voted grade rep. It's not her decision anyways, grade reps represent us and we should have the right to choose them. I'm really offended that the administration took that right from us. The irony is that they did this during an event that is supposed to prove that students have a say in what goes on at the school. Yeah, right. We have no control what so ever, the administration is just trying to create the illusion that we do. Instead, Emma Lackey and Andrea Dark got the positions. Ok, Andrea is smart and has the traditional ideas of what to do. She'll be pretty good. Emma, well, I don't like her. I don't think she has anything to offer as grade rep, and she does not represent me at all. Neither does Andrea, she was more the less of the three evils. When it came time to vote, I wrote Alex's name at the bottom and checked it along with Andrea's. I know a few other people that did the same thing, but apparently the administration took no notice of it. I want to hold a protest or something. This is completely unfair! But it's too late to do anything anyways.
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