(no subject)

Dec 06, 2011 20:31

Not everybody likes to talk incessantly. I don't mind having conversations with people, but it has to be a conversation. Which involves two or more people, exchanging ideas, listening to each other - you know interacting. If you constantly start a conversation just to start talking about yourself, or somehow change the topic of conversation so it becomes a monologue about *you*, then you don't need me to be present. That's not a conversation. And I'm sorry, but NOBODY is that interesting that listening to the same story (told at extreme volume) five times over is going to come off as anything other than self-serving, and is especially not going to be riveting.

If you want to have a conversation with me, fine. But I don't need to be present for your verbal diarrhea. And that doesn't mean that there's something wrong with me - so don't go around asking everyone what my problem is, and don't repeatedly ask me what's going on. MY PROBLEM IS YOU.

rl can be *very* annoying

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