1. Random; your nose is cute when it scrunches up. 2. movie; Real Genius. 3. Jello wrestling Flavor; Tequila Rose. 4. private joke; So, fancy a blowjob? 5. 1st memory of you; I think one of us was trying to push the other down the stairs. it might even have been in crete. I dunno. 6. Animal; bumble-bee. very busy, and very social, but only within the boundaries of your selected hive. 7. I want to ask you; When did you stop drawing mostly-naked fantasy ladies?
1. Random; The human mind has no capacity for random selection! Every choice is made based on private desires, hidden motives, calculation, manipulation... you looked cute in that shawl thingy you wore when we went to that play at skoo back in the day. 2. movie; Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. 3. Jello wrestling Flavor; Honeybun 4. private joke; Weasle's dreams would make a really great series of short films. 5. 1st memory of you; sitting next to you in History. we were both quiet. 6. Animal; owl. quiet, but makes its presence known, and uses its voice well. 7. I want to ask you; Did I give you that silly note back in hi skoo, or just write it and throw it away? And is it wierd that I still wonder?
I'll get internet connection soon too! yayyy!!! it'll make life better; labs are cold, quiet, and i can't eat pb+j sandwhiches or drink beer while surfing about
Yeah you did give it to me, in fact I think I still have it (so it's definately not weird that you still wonder). I never mentioned it though because I'm really shy and awkward. :o/
yeah, so was I. it's so wierd to think about who i've been. i think it's too easy for me to think objectively about myself. like i'll be reminiscing, and think "man, that guy was a dope" and then i'll kinda jerk and realize that that guy is me. it's so... wierd
1. Random; You make a good hippie. 2. song of you; this coffee's really muddling my brain... umm... "Barroom Heroes". 3. Jello wrestling Flavor; Dutch brownie. (i never smoked, but i always liked the smell of second-hand, oddly enough) 4. only makes sense to us; this is hard, because we were usually together in a group. i think i was only alone with you for that one study night, and (kinda almost alone, but not really) when i built that little stonehenge in... where was it? Perth? Penrath? Penarth? that silly Welsh seaside town. 5. 1st memory of you; you lifted your shirt... to show off your ace Dropkick Murphy's belt. I then went on to drain a whole bottle of Blue Nun (mmmm....) and it took a while to remember that i had actually met you. 6. Animal; i think most would say cat, but i'm thinking more a medium-sized retriever; energetic, faithful, cuddly, and sympathetic 7. I want to ask you; When are you coming to visit?
Comments 8
2. movie; Real Genius.
3. Jello wrestling Flavor; Tequila Rose.
4. private joke; So, fancy a blowjob?
5. 1st memory of you; I think one of us was trying to push the other down the stairs. it might even have been in crete. I dunno.
6. Animal; bumble-bee. very busy, and very social, but only within the boundaries of your selected hive.
7. I want to ask you; When did you stop drawing mostly-naked fantasy ladies?
2. movie; Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.
3. Jello wrestling Flavor; Honeybun
4. private joke; Weasle's dreams would make a really great series of short films.
5. 1st memory of you; sitting next to you in History. we were both quiet.
6. Animal; owl. quiet, but makes its presence known, and uses its voice well.
7. I want to ask you; Did I give you that silly note back in hi skoo, or just write it and throw it away? And is it wierd that I still wonder?
I'll get internet connection soon too! yayyy!!! it'll make life better; labs are cold, quiet, and i can't eat pb+j sandwhiches or drink beer while surfing about
2. song of you; this coffee's really muddling my brain... umm... "Barroom Heroes".
3. Jello wrestling Flavor; Dutch brownie. (i never smoked, but i always liked the smell of second-hand, oddly enough)
4. only makes sense to us; this is hard, because we were usually together in a group. i think i was only alone with you for that one study night, and (kinda almost alone, but not really) when i built that little stonehenge in... where was it? Perth? Penrath? Penarth? that silly Welsh seaside town.
5. 1st memory of you; you lifted your shirt... to show off your ace Dropkick Murphy's belt. I then went on to drain a whole bottle of Blue Nun (mmmm....) and it took a while to remember that i had actually met you.
6. Animal; i think most would say cat, but i'm thinking more a medium-sized retriever; energetic, faithful, cuddly, and sympathetic
7. I want to ask you; When are you coming to visit?
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