Jun 01, 2005 02:01
i keep on thinking about stuff, all the time. i always tell myself to write these things down, but i rarely do. this is one of those rare occasions.
i guess this could be something to use for a story. genetic memory plus psychic ability. it probably helps that i just watched "the gift".
I'll start with an idea i had a while ago, that is that our genes are not immutable. as we change to adapt to a new environment, could our changes be written to our own coding? i don't know how, but perhaps it is. take a couple, who have lived in a warm, lowland environment all their lives, back for generations, have to adapt to living in a high-altitude, cold place, for some reason. gradually, their lung capacity will increase, the muscles of their chests will tone up and grow, to compensate. their skin will change to fit the harsh climate. if they're lucky, their bodies will beef up to retain more heat. this is all, of course, over the course ofa few years. several. then lets say they have a kid. that kid, who only has the weak lowland genes his parents brought to the mountains, will have a better time coping than his parents did, hinting that, perhaps, the genes he got weren't exactly, totally, weak lowland genes. the codes changed. anyone ever know of cases like this?
**i do think i babbled about this idea in a previous entry, some time ago, so it's time to move on to the fresh bits.**
so okay, we'll start by saying that our genes hold more information than we really know. memories. not full copies of our minds, but some bits. perhaps particularly traumatic or important memories, emotions, connections. kinda like a watered-down version of ourselves, the older and less pertinent bits being erased constantly to make room for new patterns.
so, kickin this idea around, i come to psychics. a psychic could be a person who has a special sense, rooted totally in physical and biological movement. that is, they can somehow read the memories stored in other peoples' discarded cells. psychics always ask for bits of hair or personal posessions of people not present, because they're riddled ith samples. they take your hand or have you cut a deck of cards (which they then handle) to pick up bits of what's being written into your memory. thus they know about you. and they pick up the little nuances and impressions you edit out when just talking.
the mechanism: I've just read Greg Bear's "Darwin's Children," so i'm currently enamoured with the idea of viruses acting as genetic messengers between cells and individuals, and being effected by the emotions of their host. so perhaps it is a virus which has spliced into some genetic lines (thus, the gift is hereditary) It could work in the minly unused parts of the mind. the mobile elements interact with all cells they can contact with, picking up the information stored in their genetic memory. they then splice the memories into the cells of the host mind... or something. thus the host sees the memories, feels the emotions. the signals can be scrambled or fragmentary. sometimes they cannot even be read by the conscious mind, and so must be interpereted by the unconscious and presented as dreams.
so, we have genetic psychics, sniffing your memories. could be done, it could
brings to mind another idea; if we hold so much info in our genes, then cloning could get tricky. imagine the nightmare, when you clone your best friend, and the clone wakes up and knows you, or knows some things about you. he should be a blank slate, but there's something about him that is just like the original. could get wierd.
damn, if i ever turn these into stories, i'll have to actually research. shit and fuck.