[NT] - Revel

Dec 20, 2008 20:42

[Open to everyone!]

Turn the right way down any street, glance down an unexpected alley, maybe you'll see it out of the corner of your eye. Maybe you'll catch a hint of the music drifting out of the invitingly open wooden doors. There's always something. It wants to be found, this in, this bar, this club, this pub, this restaurant. It has many ( Read more... )

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ticktabby December 21 2008, 02:45:55 UTC
Tabby doesn't know how she got there.

This is probably for the best. She's easily confused.

Besides, she doesn't have the time to worry about trite things (big word, and she totally knows what it means. She cheerfully moved through the party, not at all worried whether or not she recognized most of the people there. After all, she was Tabby, that meant she was awesome, and after the night was over there'd be no strangers, only new friends.

As long as they were cuties. She doesn't associate with non-cuties.


mark_witha_c December 21 2008, 02:52:17 UTC

Mark can't help but stop and stare. Because, the hair! It was so blond, and shiny. And... woooow!

"You're pretty," Mark says to the blond girl. He almost looks embarrassed for a moment, but then a happy grin spreads across his face.

"Hi! I'm Mark!"


ticktabby December 21 2008, 03:00:29 UTC
Okies, stranger all up her grill.

Not that she minds. He seems to understand the only thing her shallow little heart needs is to be told plenty of times she's pretty.

"Hai thar!" She beams. New friend number 1. Or Mark. Whichev. "I'm totes pretty, cutie. You can take a picture if you'd like."


mark_witha_c December 21 2008, 03:06:36 UTC
He doesn't mean to be up in her grill! At least he's not kissing her feet. He's known to do that.

"A picture? Really?" He goes to reach for his backpack but remembers... "I don't have a camera. And my cell phone is broke." Stupid dad, not helping him out with that one. He grins. "But I'll remember you."

He pauses, and repeats. "Hi! I'm Mark!" Obviously, she doesn't get that this is where she fills in her own name, so he adds, "What's your name?"


ticktabby December 21 2008, 03:18:06 UTC
He may build her a shrine. This is acceptable.

"Aws." She may be pouting. "I didn't bring mine either! My purse is like totally small and fits nothing except mah lip gloss but I don't care because it's pretty and shiny. Look!"

She thrusts the glittering, dainty purse into his view.

"Oh!" Duh, she's supposed to give her name now. "I'm Tabby! Like the cat only not because being named after a cat's kinda mean."


mark_witha_c December 21 2008, 04:11:21 UTC
He would build build her a shrine! Except he'd probably get distracted part way through and have a bunch of wood laying around and then he'd trip over it and stub his toe. And that would hurt!

Mark looks at the purse. "Super shiny!" It's true. He's distracted by shiny things sometimes.

"I don't think I'm named after one so that's not mean!" he says happily. "Hi, Tabby! Nice to meet you!"

He's grinning ear to ear. He really does like meeting new people.


ticktabby December 21 2008, 04:26:39 UTC
Way to go, Mark. Pout.

"I know! I loves me shiny stuff. Sometimes I'll get distracted by butterflies and things." Random, but true story. "And it is very nice to meet me, this is true. I'm totes cute and I'm a lot of fun and I can knit stuff. OMG, do you need like a sweater or something?!"

There's really no personal boundaries or the concept of slow progression for her.


mark_witha_c December 21 2008, 17:24:05 UTC
"I get distracted by bees." Mark is a little behind, but he catches up, and his face lights up like... like... like some big ol' Christmas tree. "I like getting stuff!" he exclaims happily. "Can you make me a coooool sweater??"


ticktabby December 21 2008, 19:59:00 UTC
"Bees are evil."

Her face is serious, but only for a moment, because she likes getting stuff too. "ZOMG I know. I love being spoiled. Like, look at me! Why wouldn't you spoil me?" She nods. "I'll make you a very cool sweater. I'm super artistic. What's your fave color?"


mark_witha_c December 21 2008, 21:52:22 UTC
"I'd spoil you!" Mark agrees with a large grin. Then it drops, "If I had the means of spoiling anyone, anyway!"

He thinks on the colour question... "You know, I like orange! Or blue. Dark blue! Not baby boy baby blue or anything. Naaaavy. I could never be in the army," he adds.

It makes sense.


ticktabby December 21 2008, 23:42:51 UTC
It totally makes sense to her.

"Oh my God I would be so bad ass at boot camp!" she answers instead. Because this makes sense too. "I dunno if an orange and blue sweater's gonna look cute but I can like try."

"You don't have to spoil me cutie! I've got a fiance that spoils me. Mah BFF Sally says he's a farmer but he's so totally a coal miner. IDK. She says weird stuff sometimes."


shaman_x December 21 2008, 11:07:05 UTC
"Tabitha!" Mike beams, bounding out of the crowd to meet her, somehow doing so without spilling his drinks, one of which he offers to her. "Champagne? It's good!"


ticktabby December 21 2008, 19:57:34 UTC
"Mike!" There is no escaping, Tabby's pounced. Somehow doing so without spilling the drinks on his hand. She takes one gratefully. "It's sparkly."

Sparkly is good.

"This is awesome, Mike!"


shaman_x December 22 2008, 11:02:03 UTC
"Sparkly is good! And thanks!"

He's in a good mood. He totally shrugs off that whole 'physical contact triggers telepathic contact' thing, even though Tabby thoughts are all bright and sparkly and awesomeness too.

"Isn't it, though? I was kinda hoping more people I didn't know would come, but this is good. I shouldn't have held it the same time everyone was holding theirs. You'd've thought I'd've thought of that in advance, but no."

He grins.

"But do they have a Doombot in a Santa hat? I think not!"


ticktabby December 23 2008, 07:49:36 UTC
"The night is totes still young, Mike, you never know who might show up still! Maybe some people from the Ball get carried over here like I did!"

Beams. No, she has no idea how she got here. No, she doesn't know how she'll get back.

"I need a picture with the Doombot!" she cries. "And with you. And hey weren't we supposed to like go to Genosha or something? I think I totally forgot. And I even had it in my daily planner. DAILY PLANNER HOW YOU FAIL ME."


shaman_x December 23 2008, 11:09:54 UTC
"Didn't we do that? I thought we did that. We didn't do that?" Mike musses his hair, confused. "Wait, no, we didn't. Or maybe we did but it was in the future. Or something. ...I've really got to stop blipping all over the place. Linear time is confusing."


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