Name: dani-may
Nickname: dani. or may. mostly dani tho
Birthday: august 26th
Likes: hmmm drawing, music, sleeping, old video games
Dislikes: being told what to do, people who always shove their opinions down your throat ESPECIALLY if it contradicts yours (like, if i like lady gaga which i do and this one person is like SHE SUCKS SHE CAN'T SING I HATE HER SO SHOULD YOU WAH WAH. yknow. that), repetition, rude people (haha that's hypocritical), people who update their facebook statuses CONSTANTLY
Hobbies: drawing, sleeping, buying things online, video games and roleplaying
Talents: .....more drawing, making badass comebacks, not doing what i'm asked, doing makeup
Goals: i'd like to meet all my role models, learn japanese, get my bachelor of education and teach english in japan.
What do you feel your best qualities are?: i'm creative, loyal, smart and i'm super funny heck yeah!
Your worst?: lazy, i have a shitty attitude and it doesn't take much for me to dislike a person. i think about really bad things happening at any given time and then i get so scared i crap my pants at everything. and i'm easily frustrated which leads to raging. or crying.
Describe what you do on a normal day: i get up late and do my hair, go to my morning classes, go to the library and dick around, eat lunch, go to my other class and come home and either go on the computer/watch my shows or go to work. then watch my shows!
If there was a movie about your life, what 5 bands/artists would definitely be on the soundtrack? Why?: lady gaga because she's one of my favorite artists, janelle monae because her music is so lovely and i relate to it, ludo because it's relatable as well, pink floyd because i've been conditioned to like them by my dad (!!) anddd maybe nine inch nails because they've been a longtime favorite of mine as well!
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: my appearance :/ i've really grown up to not be superficial but there's always one thing that will bother me yeah? even if it was something small like my hair or eye color, changing it would make me happier. it's interesting to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself for a second!
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: i think it would be nice to have people be more tolerable and accepting of others. from big things to sexuality from even just simple likes and dislikes. the world would be a much more nicer place if we could all see past silly things like that and take in the whole picture that is a person's personality
Why do you like the anime/manga Shaman King?: i don't know! it just appeals to me! the character design and cast variation is really interesting and just, the writing and everything... takei really did his homework about ancient religions/spiritual things which helps make it seem more real. i realy don't know! it's just so great to me
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): REN REN A THOUSAND TIMES REN! i think, like, even though he's the most serious of the main characters he is such amazing comic relief as well which makes me like him. he can be an asshole but personable at the same time. also, his growth over the course of the series from some evil kid who's like DIE DIE DIE all the time who learns to become more empathetic and caring. it really makes you like him and feel attached!
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: oh my god, lyserg hands down. like, i understand the point of his backstory is to make you empathize and give understanding to his harsh personality but there's a fine line between being a "damaged" person and being a complete DICK. and guess which side he falls on? it's really annoying how he almost uses everyone and jumps from group to group depending on who is more beneficial to him, and it makes me DESPISE HIM SO. he's like "oh, i just met you so now i'm going to mercilessly beat your friends into nothingness! oh but i guess you can be my friend, but i'm still gonna be an ass anyway. oh hold up screw you guys i'm hanging out with them. also bye spirit that was given to me by the father i am trying to avenge, you're not as cool as this robot angel thing. oh wait now everyone's dead HOLD ON GUYS CAN I COME BACK?" granted, this is mostly based off the anime since i never read the entire manga. i assume he's not that bad in the latter but for now I HATE HIM SO HARD
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: yoh/ren. because it makes so much sense. cmon. it's EVERYWHERE IN THE SHOW.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: hao/yoh. i understand that they're like... barely brothers but it's still super creepy to me. i don't mind like, a fluff pairing of them but when sex is introduced it just turns twenty shades of weird to me. it's like a big incest/pedophilia/masturbation MESS and i don't find it appealing at all. crack pairings like yoh/pilika and stuff are dumb too.
If you got to choose a character in the series to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: ren so i can just stare at myself in the mirror and be a tough bitch to everyone
How did you find this community?: i was in it a long time ago and since i got back into the fandom i've wanted to try getting rated again!
Anything else?: no fufufu