
May 15, 2008 00:55

Name: Chaeni
Birthday: October 21

Likes: Adrenaline rushes, Good food, Sleeping, Animals, Learning, Cars, Mythology, Architecture, Tea, Traveling
Dislikes: Ignorance, Arrogance, People that purposely cause other people pain. Child molesters and rapists in general, Liars, Spinach, Bugs (particularly spiders), Being dirty
Hobbies: Swimming, Running, Reading, Writing, Procrastinating, Photography
Talents: Faster learner, Adaptive
Goals: Success and Happiness
What do you feel your best qualities are?: Laid-back, easy-going, intelligent, clever, adaptive, independent, adventurous, curious, creative, tactful, dreamer
Your worst?: Impulsive, selfish, sarcastic, apathetic, lazy, procrastinator, indecisive (with things that i don't care about or don't know much about), loner, manipulative, elitist, arrogant (can come off this way if the person doesn't know me), dreamer (if someone doesn't interest me, I'll lose focus), grudge holder (I hang onto them and the person probably doesn't know until I want something from them)

Describe what you do on a normal day: I go to school, work, and exercise. If I happen to have some free time I hang with friends or read.
If there was a movie about your life, what 5 bands/artists would definitely be on the soundtrack? Why?: Three Days Grace, Loreena McKennitt, Marilyn Manson, Britney Spears, AFI. They each play songs that fit my mood and my life, which is ever changing.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: My weight, which I am changing because it's not good for my health and I like myself better. Yay.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: The amount of pollution because it's destroying plant and animal life.

Why do you like the anime/manga Shaman King?: The action and the story line are interesting. Yoh is an interesting character that keeps my attention.
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Normally main characters aren't my favorites, but in this case Yoh is. He's interesting and holds me attention.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Don't have one.
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: Don't have one.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: Don't have one.
If you got to choose a character in the series to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?:
Hao because I'd like to see the world from his eyes, and better understand his reasonings.

How did you find this community?: LJ search.
Anything else?:nope

yoh, stamped

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