Thanks for taking part in the tie breaking poll. Our new theme of the month (running until the last Tuesday of April) is - "What Two Characters Would Be on Your Shaman Fight Team?".
1. You MUST have a regular character stamp before applying.
2. Since Shaman Fight teams are made up of three people, vote each applicant with two characters for their teamates.
3. Any two characters are applicable. For this theme pretend that there are no teams organized for the Shaman Fight; it doesn't matter what teams characters were on in the anime and manga. Even characters who didn't participate in Shaman Fight count for this theme.
4. Be respectful.
5. Do not post with user icons featuring Shaman King characters.
6. You may set your commenting screening to "all comments" if you would like to screen your votes (only the applicant and the mods can see screened comments).
7. Put 'with determined passion' in the subject line so I know you read the rules.
8. Please place your application behind a cut.
9. You will be stamped after getting 10 votes, or after getting 6 or more votes for the same characters.
10. Don't forget to continue voting on older applications!
a lot of these people have been waiting a long time to get stamped. Please help them out.
Name or nickname:
What’s your favorite type of food?
What’s your favorite movie?
If you had to go on a reality TV show, which one would you choose?
In a group situation, what role do you usually play?
Is that the role you would like to play?
In a group situation, do you like to be the center of attention or kinda blend in?
What do you think about being part of a team with coordinated outfits?
Anything else?: