Writers Altar

Nov 17, 2011 01:13

It's late but here it is, my Writers altar.

Click the pics for full view, all the details under the cut!

This is half altar, half grid. The stones are all about creativity, thoughts, artistic pursuits, or writing. Also, though complete coincidence, all the stones are in the cool colour range, which to me is the more thoughtful side of the colour wheel.
The stones are (L-R) Peacock ore, lapis lazuli, clear quartz (more about the big piece of quartz in a minute), blue lace agate and sodalite.
The stones on the base of the statue of Thoth are emerald (signifying the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, along with wisdom) and a Malachite obelisk He picked out when I was first studying Egyptian Paganism years ago.
The large clear quartz is called a "Mentor" crystal, or a crystal where there is one larger piece and many other smaller crystal growths. Mentor crystals are designed to help teach and help you learn. I figured, as this is a Writing altar, and Thoth is the God of Writing, I would learn from Him via that crystal.

The tall candle is green for Thoth, and that is His candle in one of His colours. The silver tea light represents communication in all forms, including writing.

I won this book in a contest a few years ago and it's been a great resource for writing Spiritual things. It has great exercises that I plan to work through one day as part of my "book reading and working with."

I have two ritual pens, and both are dip pens. One is a plain black one, and one is a hand-blown glass one my cousin bought me. I have three different inks, black, red and gold. I only write magic/ritual/prayer things with these pens. It makes me feel very connected to my work when I use these things. They are very special to me.

The centerpiece of this altar is the statue of Thoth. It was the first statue I ever bought and it means a lot to me. Thoth was the first God I worked with and He is still a big part of my life. It feels very warm and comforting when He is around. It's like a...cozy fire in front of a living room that makes you feel extremely comfortable.

crystals, pictures, grids, altars, deities, projects, thoth, books

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