Jan 24, 2005 01:03
Okay. I've finally taken upon my advice, after procrastinating this homework even further. It's now 1AM and I'm asking her. I'm guessing it's going to end up in ruin just like it did last time we did. But then again, that was also Middle School, and we've both changed, or at least I know I have, so maybe things will be different this time around.
So yeah, I decided to be childish and middle school about it. I have a petit little asian girlfriend by the name of Hanh now. Hopefully I won't regret what I've done. After all that happened talking to Courtney (11-4AM girl) I wonder what's going to happen. The future's so undefinite. I guess that's what's so great about it. You can't always say it's going to turn out this way for sure. You can only guess and make plans, but nothing's really definite is it?
....I should probably tell courtney. Hell, so much has happened this weekend.
As soon as I get my license and car, it's gonna be just me, Hanh, the beach....oh and maybe some drunken marines if they're still there.
...Penscaola beach is open, right? That'd suck if it isn't.