it's taken me a long time to get here, but maybe it's taken the the time needed for me to arrive at this point. "here" being able to at peace with how life has unfolded for me. i can be at peace with my failed relationships, friendships, mistakes, and the joyful choices i've made
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Again, very refreshing to read your experiences as I face the absurdity of my own pace of worklife. Even working for nonprofits that are "meaningful," are so layered in de-humanizing, de-moralizing interactions with people who you spend so much time with and yet know on such impersonal terms. The beery fellowship with colleagues at the bar, the company dinner out, or the morning banter about what one did on the weekend (or what one didn't do) all completely irrelevant but sadly, the loose thread of human interaction that is what we think of as the silver lining of a mundane work day. And yet those silver linings will rarely alchemize into what one woud call a valuable human interaction.
Much obliged to you for sharing this.
peace to you stranger. thanks for your thoughtful words and for reading my words with such careful attention and presence.
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