Mar 13, 2005 17:17
ok so breaks over and i really didnt want to come back but thats ok cause there are only 8 weeks or so until the end of the semester
my sisters bridal shower was yesterday and it turned out really well despite the snow and the rumors the twins were spreading bout it being canceled. i hate the twins, the twins being my soon to be sisters-in-law *vomits* they bitched out me katie and kelly for not including them in planning the shower, but then i not so nicely pointed out that i left them both messages and they didnt care enough to call me back. they jointly gave my sister 50 bucks for a bridal present, so tacky, theyre supposed to be bridesmaids, but whatever
basically i hung out at home and with my sister and joey the whole week, it was actually pretty fun, joeys definitely the absolute coolest kid to ever be born, just goes to show that things happen for a reason, plus my sister is an awesome mom
i looked for a job last monday and found a really shady mafia location and some scary agencies are not the place to be
saw matt monday, it was good, i miss him, but it makes me really really sad that im actually getting used to not talking to him every day, i dont like it but i cant change it and i hate not being in control, especially over things that have such a huge impact on my life and my overall mental state
wise bbq chips suck, like alot, they taste like regular chips but have a funny texture
ive got a's in all my classes again so far this semester, its actually starting to piss me off that its not challenging. me and kristin were talking and its like we spm kids missed out on real high school experiences, noone from other schools over stayed up till 3 am several nights in a row because they had outlines and essays to do and then got up at 530 the next morning and functioned perfectly fine through class and practices and rehearsals. they actually went out places with friends and had lives outside the school building
spm kids are just that much cooler than everyone else