По вопросу оценок / забота родителей

Oct 11, 2012 23:21

Очень растрогало это сообщение на форуме, где обсуждается курс геймификации:

"Good morning -

My name is [] and my son Kirk (who is 12) took your class because he is interested very much in video games.He has been trying very hard to earn the certificate but I wanted to check before he wakes up just in case he misses the mark so I can be ready to encourage him. Can anyone please tell me how to properly figure out his final grade? They are as follows:

Quizzes: 3.5, 8.5, 7.25, and 9.75 Written: 8, 6.4, and 4 Final: 22.5

I would appreciate an answer ASAP if anyone could please help. I want to have a good breakfast and great morning ready for him. Thank you very much in advance.

Kirk's Dad"

Ему уже подсказали, а мне лень считать - жду сертификат :))

"I appreciate it very much. I know he is a little young but he is very smart and wanted to try when he saw me taking some other Coursera courses. I always try to encourage his curiosity and interests so I signed him up. He absolutely loved this class and wants to try more. I am extremely proud of him and thankful for everyone who participated in this class with him. He will be thrilled to death and his whole day will be awesome hearing this news. Thanks again for the prompt responses".

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

lytdybr, life

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