
May 01, 2007 19:33

So, my work computer is flipping out and everything I type has extra characters inserted and my left arrow is acting like a return key. WTF? I'm pretty sure it's probably some random combo of keystrokes I hit on accident and it put me in some magical other language mode. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the doings of a coworker - I'm probably the most computer-savvy of the lot... but it's really making it hard for me to get the fluff out of here before midnight. Below is what this looked like before I spellchecked to ditch the extra crap:

xso, my work ,computer ixs f.lippimng aout amnd ebverythimng I type haxs extra ,chara,cterxs imnxserted amnd my .left arrow ixs a,ctimng like a returmn key. WTFP? I'm pr3etty sxure it'xs probab.ly xsome ramndom ,combo of keyxstrokesx I hit omn a,c,cidemnt amnd it put me inm xsome magi,ca.l other .laguage mode. I'm pretty xsure it waxsmn't the doimngxs of a ,coworker - i'm probably the moxst ,computer-xsabvbvy of the .lot... but i'txs rea.l.ly makimng it hard for me to get the f.luff out of here before midmnight. be.low ixs what thixs .looked .like before I xspe.l.l,che,cked to dit,ch the extra ,crap


I'm on XP and it happens in Firefox, excel, outlook, IE and everything else i've touched in the last few hours.
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