I'm going to start keeping a list of "places to avoid", because I'm starting to realize there are a few, and for different reasons, that I really would love to discourage people from - so I'll list them here and why, and if you know the site I speak of - you can perhaps make a decision about whether or not you want to put up with whatever the site's issue is. I'll also include a 1-10 scale of what I feel (or anyone, if they ask me to add something) is the severity of the site's issue(s).
I'll be leaving this open for all to see. Feel free to comment if you'd like me to add a site up here or to add to an existing site.
Wild Wolf Society. Stay FAR away from this site - as far as humanly possible. If any sites out there need to DIE in perdition's flames, it is this site. The admins run the site like tyrants and if you're character isn't exactly in the image they think it should be, then you're fucked. Unless you're a favorite, then you can do whatever the hell you want whenever you want. Drama is rampant and you're not allowed to express your opinions without being told you're not welcome or just getting yourself banned, period. You can't stand up for yourself when you get attacked, and heaven forbid you post anything personal in the public forums. 10.
Chicago. While a pretty site with a lot of potential, the members can be demanding, ungrateful and sometimes rude. The admin/owner herself is not much better, and she rarely updates anything around the site. She is ungrateful and doesn't appreciate the help that anyone gives her. 7.
Briarwood. Appearances really are deceiving in the case of Briarwood. The majority of the members are friendly, though, it's just that the admins are inattentive and let things go for a long time, do not communicate with the members, and (despite what they claim) really are not the kind of people you can reason with. If you don't agree with them, they'll talk you in circles and treat you like a child. 4.
Corona Heights. Not a true "site to avoid" in the sense of the others, but I felt it needed mentioning. Corona is a bit of a site of deception. I can almost promise you that everyone will be nice to you at first and plot and start working stuff out, but once your newbie smell wears off after a day or so and it comes to actually rping, you'll find that no one's really all that interested. And unless your character has a pb that's often pictured with one of theirs, you can expect absolutely nothing after the first couple days. No one is overly mean, but there is very clear favoritism among the staff toward members and you will very quickly become ignored. 2.