YAY, I know how to use wordpress! So,
here is my new blog. Though I import all not friends only LJ -entries there, so there no reason for you to check it out :P.
I'm also trying to create my fanlisting collective (right now only joined, but I hope I can own some too..) with wordpress. I hate that I can't use Enthusiast (when I open admin.php I get this: "You don't have permission to access enth3/install.php on this server.") and I can't find ListingAdmin script anywhere :/. So anyway, I'm building the site "manually" (but luckily I got BellaBuffs working, so I can make fanlistings more easily :)).
AND BTW, OUR HOME IS (quite) CLEAN! I got some shelves sunday, where I can put my favourite books, dvds etc, fairy-stuff, Hello Kitty -stuff and all of my cute trinkets! AND I have an altar! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! I need to find usb cord for my camera, so I can post pictures of my room & altar in here! (and to
ourbedrooms &
I'm kinda happy. A bit anxious sometimes, but usually I can pinpoint the reason and that helps.
I've listened to audiobooks: (so progress on challenges too, YAY! :D)
Stephenie Meyer: Twilight ***
Stephenie Meyer: New Moon *** 1/2
Starhawk: Earth Magic: Sacred Rituals for Connecting to Nature's Power ***
Richard Dawkins: The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution ****
And read some manga and comics:
Charles Burns: Black Hole ****
Rei Hiroe: Black Lagoon 1 ***
Yukito Kishiro: Battle Angel Alita 1 & 2 ****
Neil Gaiman: Coraline ****
And one "actual" book:
Elina Tiilikka: Punainen mekko ***
Now I'm reading/listening:
Stephenie Meyer: Eclipse
Richard Dawkins: The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution
Battle Angel Alita 3
Tiian Aarnipuu: Trans -sukupuolen muunnelmia