IT'S HERE! Well, still two days. Or one, kinda, beause I'll start writing at midnight. I'm pretty sure I'll attend the kick-off meeting, unless something really drastic happends.
I'm writing about Lilja, who's maybe 18 or 26 (I don't know yet!) an she's admitted to mental hospital after an overdose (unlike me, I was sent home), she has bipo II (like me) or maybe unipolar depression.
I know some other characters:
Linnea Modig, same age as Lilja, her best friend. Lilja & Linnea are a bit like Daria and Jane.
Usva-Illuusia Huurre 22 maybe, she's in the ward too. She's manic and think's she's a fairy. Her hobbies are dancing, singing (maybe). Quite possibl one of Lilja's roommate.
Elviira "Elvis" Nosurnameyet 44, on the ward. Hobbies include painting/sculpting, drinking a lot of red wine and whiskey and smoking cigarettes.
Ansa about 60, in the ward. Paranoid schizophrenic. Writes poems, smokes cigarettes, knits.
Ex-boyfriend Lilja left him, but he's still very much in love with her.
Ex-girlfriend Lilja's, before the ex-noyfriend. Because apparently I can't write straight MCs. :P
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