Would your character ever (pt. 1)

Apr 14, 2012 16:56

I was browsing through Screnzy forums and found WYCE -thread. I really want to answer ALL THE QUESTIONS, so I'm gonna do it here.

Name: Characters answer. (my comment)

WYCE become a pirate or a ninja?
Katariina: Are you crazy?
Hanna: No. I wouldn't be any good.
Marinne: Maybe. I'd rather be a pirate.
Tuuli: C'mon, ninjas are so much better than pirates!

WYCE use a precious childhood trinket as a weapon?
Katariina: Of course. Actually, I don't really have any precious childhood stuff.
Hanna: No! Guess, I'm a bit sentimental about my stuff.
Marianne: Maybe, I was in danger.
Tuuli: Yeah, same as Marianne.

WYCE stalk someone?
Katariina: Never. I'm not that kind of person. (She's the kind of person that other people stalk.)
Hanna: No, that's creepy. (She totally would though, she's kinda obsessive.)
Marianne: No! You need to be pretty sick to stalk someone.
Tuuli: Yeah. Again I have to side with Marianne.

WYCE ever become an evil dictator?
Katariina: *grinning* That would be fun.
Hanna: No way, I'm nice!
Marianne: Me too!
Tuuli: Yeah, being an evil dictator is not really my thing.

WYCE live in a basement?
Katariina: Never.
Hanna: I might, it'd get pretty lonely though. (She'd live in a basement if Katariina asked her to.)
Marianne: No way, I'd go crazy.
Tuuli: No, basements don't really suit me.

WYCE do the cinnamon challenge?
Katariina: What's that? Oh... Why are people doing this? God, everyone's so stupid these days.
Hanna: No, I agree with Katariina. (But she might do it)
Marianne: Yes! Hanna, you're totally doing it with me.
Tuuli: I'll do it with you, Marianne.

WYCE walk out of the house wearing nothing but a bikini top, a tutu, and polka dot leggings?
Katariina: No, don't be stupid.
Hanna: No, that's really not my style.
Marianne: Yes, that sounds awesome!
Tuuli: Maybe. I have more like a hippy-style though.

WYCE go clubbing?
Katariina: Yes. To pic up men.
Hanna:I don't really like clubbing, but I'd go with Katariina.
Marianne: Hellsyes!
Tuuli: Yes! Sounds fun.

Would your character ever join a protest rally?
Katariina: No. Just no.
Hanna: I don't think so.
Marianne: Yes!
Tuuli: Yes, I have, multiple times.

WYCE drink a raw egg?
Katariina: Eww, no.
Hanna: If I have to.
Marianne: Maybe, if there's a good reason.
Tuuli: No, I'm a vegan.

WYCE insult a figure of authority (teacher, parent, the president, etc.) to his/her face?
Katariina: If there was a good reason.
Hanna: No, never.
Tuuli: Yes.

WYCE sleep with someone for money?
Katariina: No, I have more than enough.
Hanna: No! (Yes, if Katariina asked.)
Marianne: No, but I don't see a problem if someone else does.
Tuuli: You don't see a problem? Are you crazy? Prostitution is just one patriarchal way to...
Marianne: Oh, shut up.

WYCE do NaNoWriMo?
Katariina: No. You can't really gain anything from it, right?
Hanna: You can gain experience with writing and it might be fun.
Katariina: Don't argue with me.
Hanna: Sorry. (Hanna would totally do NaNo, she loves to write.)
Marianne: No, writing is not my thing. I like audiovisual art more.
Tuuli: What's that? Oh, yes that sounds fun. I'm always up for new, exiting things!

WYCE join the quest to destroy the One Ring?
Katariina: Destroy? Are you crazy? (She'd totally keep it.)
Hanna: Yes! That'd be the dream. I would throw The Ring to Mount Doom, even if it meant getting my finger chewed off.
Marianne: Oh god, again with the Lord of the Rings. I would NOT do this, I've heard enough from being a friend of Hanna's since preschool.
Tuuli: I might do it, if I had good companions.

WYCE learn French?
Katariina: I might.
Hanna: Bien sûr! J'aime le français.
Marianne: I might, but I'm gonna consetrate learning better English first.
Tuuli: I'm with Marianne on this. First English, then Swedish and then other languages.

WYCE fake illness or injury to get out of doing something?
Katariina: Yes.
Hanna: I once said to a teacher I'm sick when I wasn't. So, yes.
Marianne: Yeah, if it was something I really don't want to do.
Tuuli: Again, I'm with Marianne.

Would your character ever do NaNoWriMo or Script Franzy?
Katariina: Why would you do something like that with no gain?
Hanna: Emm... Writing is really fun and...
Katariina: Hanna, what did I say about arguing with me?
Hanna: Sorry. Again.
Marianne: Yes, I so would. I'ma movie buff and it would be really interesting to try to write an own script.
Tuuli: I would try both.

Would your character ever jump off a cliff?
Katariina: What? NO!
Hanna: No, I'm not suicidal. (And she would if Katariina so wished.)
Marianne: Hey, it's not about being suicidal, it's about exitment. Like other extreme sports. And yes, I would.
Tuuli: Oh, that might be fun.

WYCE run an ultramarathon?
Katariina: Yes, I like running.
Hanna: Maybe, but I don't think I'd like it that much.
Marianne: Ultramarathon? That sounds pretty horrid. So, I highly doubt I would.
Tuuli: Maybe. I'd have to train a lot before though.

WYCE shove their face so full of pie that everyone thinks their face is about to explode?
Katariina: No, that's so immature.
Hanna: Yes, very immature. No, I wouldn't. (She might though)
Marianne: Yes, I have, actually.
Tuuli: Right there with you, sis.

WYCE have a weakness for corn-dogs?
Katariina: No, those are disgusting.
Hanna: I've never tasted them, so I don't know. They don't seem to suit my diet though.
Marianne: Those sound yummy, so maybe.
Tuuli: Are they vegan? Oh, then no, never.

WYCE try to sneak into a club with a fake ID?
Katariina: I have and it was fun.
Hanna: Maybe. I'd be really nervous.
Marianne: YES! Who wouldn't?
Tuuli: Yes, sounds fun.

WYCE use their (or someone else's) small child to meet guys/girls?
Katariina: I don't need any children to meet people.
Hanna: No, that's creepy.
Marianne: No, that's seems a bit weird. And desperate.
Tuuli: No. I don't need to meet guys, I have my sweetheart.

WYCE loot a shop during a natural disaster?
Katariina: No, I don't need to.
Hanna: No, stealing is wrong.
Marianne: There's a part of me that wants to say yes. It depends on the shop. I could loot some multinational corporation store, but not any small business owner's.
Tuuli: I'm with Marianne on this one too.

WYCE commit a horrendous crime?
Katariina: Is murder horrendous?
Hanna: Yes. I can't believe I did it, I'm really not that kinda person.
Marianne: No. Maybe I might do some misdemeanors.
Tuuli: Nothing horrendous, but I would break the law for a good cause.

WYCE smash an ice cream cone into someone's face?
Katariina: I would never do anything as juvinile.
Hanna: No. Because... yes, it's juvinile.
Marianne: Oh god yes. *Smashes an ice cream cone to Tuuli's face*
Tuuli: *smashes her ice cream to Marianne's face* Apparently.

WYCE launch themselves into space?
Katariina: I think that'd be interesting.
Hanna: I don't think I'd had the courage.
Marianne: YES! OH DEAR GOD YES!!!!
Tuuli: Sounds a bit scary, but again SO AWESOME. So, yes I would.

WYC get a Mac or a PC computer?
Katariina: I don't really care.
Hanna: Yeah, me neither.
Marianne: LINUX!!
Tuuli: I don't care that much. I have PC now.

WYCE dye their hair an bright and unusual color?
Katariina: No. Why people do that? It looks so tacky.
Hanna: No, I'm happy with my hair.
Marianne: Well, my hair is green-ish now.
Tuuli: I like natural colors more.

WYCE walk down the streets on their hands?
Katariina: Is the person asking these questions 5? Of course not, that's stupid.
Hanna: Stupid, right. So no, I wouldn't. (She has though)
Marianne: YES! Hanna, do you remember when we...
Hanna: SHUT UP!
Marianne: Wow, chill.
Tuuli: Yes, that's fun!

WYCE drive dangerously in a fast car?
Katariina: Yes, fast cars and driving dangerously is a great way to have fun.
Hanna: No. But I've been in a car when someone has drove like that.
Katariina: What did you say, dear?
Hanna: Oh nothing. Sorry.
Marianne: Maaybe.
Tuuli: I don't like cars, they pollute too much.

WYCE swim in a vat of vodka?
Katariina: No.
Hanna: No, I'm not really a fan of vodka.
Marianne: Yes!
Tuuli: What? I don't know, maybe.

WYCE go skydiving?
Katariina: I might try it.
Hanna: No. I'm not a fan of heights.
Marianne: Oh YES!
Tuuli: I'd try it at least once.

WYCE Lock themselves in a room to play RPGs for four hours?
Katariina: What are those? No, I wouldn't. Why would anyone do that?
Hanna: No, I'm not really a gamer.
Marianne: I'm not admitting anything.
Tuuli: Maybe, if it was a good game.

WYCE sob like a baby?
Katariina: Definitely not, crying is weak.
Hanna: Yes and it's so embarrasing.
Marianne: Yes.
Tuuli: Yes.

WYCE get fired over talking too much?
Katariina: No, I would not get fired over anything.
Hanna: Me? Oh god, no.
Marianne: Erm, I might.
Tuuli: Yeah, I have to admit that I might too. I remeber one time at some classes when I just couldn't shut up...
Marianne: One time? Oh, please.

Do you ever get coerced into things?
Katariina: No, never.
Hanna: Sometimes. (Really, ALL THE TIME)
Marianne: No.
Tuuli: No way!

WYCE ride the city bus?
Katariina: I'll rather drive my car.
Hanna: Yes, I use the bus almost every day. (Or she used to, when she didn't live with Katariina.)
Marianne: What kinda question is this? Of course, who wouldn't?
Katariina: Me.
Marianne: Yeah, we'll you're a snob.
Hanna: Marianne, please stop.
Tuuli: Of course, I ride the city bus about everyday.

WYCE play the guitar?
Katariina: No. I'm not that musical.
Hanna: I might, but I like piano more.
Marianne: Yes. I like drums more, but guitar is ok too.
Tuuli: I play guitar a lot.

WYCE have a house full of pets?
Katariina: No. We do have a cat and I have a horse, but that's enough.
Hanna: No, the cat is enough.
Marianne: I think I'd like it, but right now, Anton (her dog) is enough.
Tuuli: Not that full, but I could get rescue companion animals.

WYCE read Shutter island by Dennis Lehane?
Katariina: Yes, that seems interesting.
Hanna: Yes, that does seem interesting.
Marianne: I'd read it too.
Tuuli: I don't think I would. It seems too scary and it probably would make me anxious.

WYCE admit publicly to something embarrassing?
Katariina: No! Besides, I wouldn't have anything embarrassing to admit.
Hanna: No. Just... no.
Marianne: If I had to.
Tuuli: It wouldn't be fun, but I'd do it if I'd had to.

Would your character ever join the military?
Katariina: I don't know. Probably not, I'm not good with getting orders (she gives them). Shooting people might be fun though.
Hanna: No, I wouldn't.
Tuuli: No, I'm a pacifist.

WYCE have their underwear drycleaned?
Katariina: Yes.
Hanna: Erm.. maybe.
Marianne: No, that's moronic.
Tuuli: No, I only use ecological products.

WYCE challenge an inanimate object to a staring contest?
Katariina: No. That'd be so stupid. And you could never win.
Hanna: No, because.. yeah, it's stupid.
Marianne: I've had staring contests with my teddy, I've lost every time.
Tuuli: I don't think I have, but I might.
(Here I have to give Nuría, the protagonist of Marionetti, a chance to talk too:
Nuría: Yes, I frequently have staring contest with my dead owl. Does he count as an inanimate object? He was alive once.)

WYCE ever take a mannequin on a date?
Katariina: No!
Hanna: No, mannequins are scary.
Marianne: No, they might come to life and start shooting people.
Tuuli: Yeah, that's a likely scenario.
Marianne: It is in a world that contains a hot Time Lord.
Tuuli: Timewhat?
Marianne: Time LORD, you ignorant fool.
Tuuli: Yeah, that clears things up.
Marianne: Let me google that for you.
Tuuli: Oh, this is one of your sci-fi things again. And about the mannequin: no, I would not. Mannequins are a bit creepy.

WYCE draw a magnificent piece of artwork on the written portion of a test? (Instead of actually writing?)
Katariina: No, I can't draw.
Hanna: No, I'm better at writing.
Marianne: No, I think I'll take my changes at writing.
Tuuli: Hey, that's a good idea!

WYCE Go sledding with a bunch of elementary school students on their snow day?
Katariina: No.
Hanna: Ermm.. maybe... I mean no.
Marianne: Yes!
Tuuli: When's the next snow day?

WYCE get completely drunk?
Katariina: Well, I have in my teenage years. I didn't like it, I don't like losing control. I'd rather enjoy my wine in moderation.
Hanna: Yes, but not often.
Marianne: Who wouldn't?
Tuuli: Yeah, I think pretty much everyone has.

WYCE jump off of a roof in an attempt to fly?
Katariina: No.
Hanna: No.
Marianne: Oh, I'm gonna build wings! And then YES.
Tuuli: That will not end well. And no, I would not. But I'd love to fly!

WYCE commit the crime of the century?
Katariina: I have. There's not really many serial killers in this country and I'm pretty sure I'm the first female.
Hanna: Well, I'm kinda part of Katariina's crime, so I have to answer yes.
Marianne: I don't think I'll be that smart.
Tuuli: Depends on the motive.

WYCE just start singing whatever song popped into their head?
Katariina: No. I might hum a tune at home.
Hanna: Yes. *embarrased*
Marianne: Doo you have the time...
Tuuli: ...to listen to me whine
Marianne & Tuuli: About nothing and every ALL AT ONCE.
Katariina: You're both basket cases.

WYCE be any good at surfing?
Katariina: I've never tried it, but I think I'd be decent.
Hanna: I have no idea.
Marianne: I'm gonna say yes.
Tuuli: Never tried, probably never will. There's not really any waves in here.

WYCE run for president?
Katariina: No. I wouldn't want to represent a whole country. I'd like the power though.
Hanna: No.
Marianne: No, I don't believe in goverment.
Tuuli: But it's better to try to change the goverment from the inside. I'm gonna say yes.
Marianne: It's not better to ry to change the goverment, we need to have a revolution. NO GODS, NO MASTERS!

WYCE play a game of roulette?
Katariina: Yes and I have.
Hanna: I might, but not with a large sum of money.
Marianne: I might try it. As long as it's not Russian.
Tuuli: I don't have anything againts gambling per se, but I don't think I would play.

year: 2012, events: oll: script frenzy, art: writing: novels, events: nanowrimo

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