New hair!

Mar 24, 2012 16:01

I got a hair cut! The hairdresser sorted he roots of my dreadlocks for an hour and got them "open" pretty well. I thought I'd be almost bald, but no, I still have quite much hair. :) Still, this ia the shortest it's ben since I was born. (I've had dreads for 7 years and I've been to the hairdresser last time about 16 years ago, so this is a big change.)

Here's a picture in between before and after. As soon as I decided to cut my hair, I cut the dreads to my shoulders. It felt really weird to have them that short. Here's also a pic of a skirt what my mom us going to make me. It's gonna be from pink cupcake fabric and have lace on the bottom. ♥

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

lj, pics: me, pics: iphone, pics: iphone: instagram, lj: post: via iphone

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