Presidential election 2012

Jan 22, 2012 22:30

Today's the presidential election. I voted for Paavo Arhinmäki (Leftist Party), but I did knew that he wouldn't go to the next round. BUT Pekka Haavisto did!! He's the Green Party's candidate and my second choice. I'm really happy about this and will totally vote for Haavisto next time.

A little about election in Finland: There's two "rounds" in the elections. In the first round a candidate must get over 50% of the votes to be selected without the second round (hasn't happened yet). The two candidates that got most votes go to the second round.

This time, only  about 73% of the people voted.

I spent the evening with this:

ETA: Pekka Haavisto is also openly gay, which is kinda awesome. :D And now he's on the TV with his significant other.


There's three SpongeBobs! :D Oh, how I love Google Translator. ♥
(Just to clarify, SpongeBob Squarepants is Paavo Pesusieni in Finnish)

hobbies: politics, misc: meanwhile in finland, misc: funny

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