my week

Apr 27, 2011 23:41

Actually my two and a half weeks.


Though also I like being home and now I have a reason to stay here. Still, it's annoying. Sometimes I think I should update this blog more often and actually tell about my life, not just put pics & links, BUT then I remember that the pics & links is my life. I mean, that's what I do all day. I draw with illustrator, make layouts, photoshop pictures, arrange the pics I've taken etc. It's so much more clear when I'm sick, I haven't gotten to therapy (I've missed 3 appontments >__<) and I've went to a near gocery store for maybe two times.

Today my day went like this:
9:30 ● I woke up, went to the couch with MacBook
15:00 ● went to bed (with MacBook)
19:50 ● ate rye bread
20:15 ● back to bed (I fell asleep)
21:54 ● woke up, got some Pepsi Max and back to the couch

It's now 23:35 and I'm on the couch (watching Who on Earth did I Marry? on ID).
Today I made bunch of new sites to my website (like BBC Big Read top 200) and I also made a clique for people with dreadlocks.

life: misc, languages: english, elsewhere: links, hobbies: webdesign, life: daily, life: rant, year: 2011

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