Married By America. The latest reality show. Just when you thought TV couldn't get any worse.
It looks like marriage has just become a fun little hobby for the majority of Americans, judging by the skyrocketing divorce rates and the latest reality shows. The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Joe Millionaire... and now Married By America. Hell, marriage is only worth the first few months of fun anyways, so let's have a really good time and televise all the great quirks and quabbles of finding a wife/husband and turn it into a complete publicity stunt. Even better, how 'bout they don't even see each other before they get engaged! What's the difference anyways, right?
TV makes me physically ill. One minute, we hmph and shake our heads sadly to the news that the divorce rate is now 60%, then the next minute we're religious viewers of these simply wonderful reality shows of which we couldn't even think of missing one episode.
Have at it, America. You deserve quality entertainment like this.