Oct 26, 2005 10:31
i suppose it's my turn to update.
apparently wilma is the first hurricane to actually hit broward county since the 60's or 70's. weston wasn't even born until the late 80's. it seems as though everyone panicked. but it was a really cool feeling, let me explain in a story. On monday once the wilma had already left us, Seth and I decided to take a trip around weston to see the damage. So we're driving down Indian Trace Rd. and at this point in the road there were so many trees knocked down that we couldn't see our destination. it was a maze. a very intricate maze that seemed to be designed to let cars fit through it. so we're driving through this tree maze, along with about 10 others cars. and everyone stops. we're stopped there for about 5 minutes before seth finally says, "i'm getting out to help". he gets out of the driver seat as i see all of the men of their drivers seats getting out. the car in front of me has a woman sitting in the passanger seat as i was. i look at the mini van in back of me, same thing. the men took charge to go help eachother. people they had never met before. knowing that help is all that our city needed at this very moment. a few minutes later seth comes back. his new vans sneakers were covered in mud. all the men are trailing back to get back in their cars. apparently a truck got stuck in mud a few cars up and all the men helped heave it out. one man even got his axe from his car to help move some of the trees out of the way. that was probably my favorite hurricane story that i have to tell. i have a few others. one involves me translating spanish to our next-door-neighbors for my dad so that he could borrow their chain saw to cut down a plam tree from our yard that had snappeed in half. everyone is so willing to help eachother. i love the feeling. but things are finally starting to get back to normal. well at leats for weston. everyone's getting power back, and our water pressure has finally returned. but poor bobby. most of you who have driven through the gurad gate of my neighborhood have met bobby. he's the big black guy that likes to cheer you up as you drive through. he told me and my dad that out in fort lauderdale they don't have power and won't get it back earlier than november 15th (or something like that). but he's made the best out of the situation. i always thoguht of him as the type of person that would be able to do that. even thoguh i don't knwo him personally, and i have 30-second conversations with him every now and then, he's definitely been a positive influence. only because i love how he makes me smile everytime i see him. maybe i've htought about it a little too much. it's kinda weird. but at this very moment, i'm writing a journal entry to get out my thoughts. and those were my thoughts.
it's beginning to feel like Fall. my dad said it's only gonna stick around for another day or two. it sucks. maybe i should go enjoy it, before it leaves.
you need to come home soon. i miss you.
i hope everyone's doing okay. hopefully you'll all get your power back very soon. and once you do, call me. we'll plan a hurricane party at my house. there's no school all week and we'll have the weekend. party time!!! : )