Cross Essay by Neo

Jun 15, 2014 13:31

Neo Platonist's cross essay for those who don't want to click on BA. The Orihime is a Quincy theory that I proposed a long crazy time ago has swept among the fanbois.

Yes, I'm alive. Things are really rough right now as usual. I'll be back. I always come back.

A Cross to Bear

Over the years, the use of Crosses, the Swastika, the Symbolic X, and the Japanese “十” have been duly noted and commented upon by many. All of these symbols may represent crosses of one sort or another. Recently this symbolism has been featured front and center in the Manga. I have endeavored to gather it all in one place for discussion and theorizing. I am not an expert, nor do I pretend to have comprehensive knowledge of this subject. But I hope that many of you are and do! This opening post should serve to get the conversation started. What does it all mean?

The Number Ten and the “十”


The 十 is used in Japanese to denote the number 10. We’ve seen it applied as the emblem of the Tenth Division (jūbantai) associated with Isshin Shiba among others. “Ten” is also used to describe the plot of sacred ground, or “Jūreichi", described by Yamamoto as being a necessary ingredient in creating an Ōken (King’s Key).

The symbol 十 can also represent a Greek Cross. Tilted on its side, it becomes a “Saltire” or X.

This 十 Symbol is also the first half of the Japanese word for cross: “juuji”. We see the word juuji appear in Ichigo’s doubled Getsuga technique: Getsuga Jūjishō. The Moon Fang Cross Piercer, which blasts a huge cross in the sky.

Lastly, the Espada are called "Ten Blades" (十刃) in Japanese. *Thank you Yomihime & Minerva! See posts below.The Ishida Quincy Crosses


We first see Uryū’s cross early on in the series in Chapter 34 where it most closely resembles what is known as a Celtic Cross, or perhaps a Modern Coptic Cross. (Vollständig!) You will also notice that the Quincy five-point pentacle cross is prominent on the back of his jacket.


Later, in Chapters 67 & 91, we see the Sanrei Glove given to him by Sōken. There is again a Celtic Cross pattern outlined in the air when it is fired.


In Chapters 125 - 127 we see the release of Letzt Stil. There are some interesting cross-like markings on his apron, as well as a large shoulder spaulder that is analogous to Ichigo’s recent RR clothing. There is also what appears to be a six-point Quincy cross on his back. It could just be the seam of his jacket making it appear so, but in hind-sight it is evocative.


Additionally we see multiple lines of energy transecting, and an oddly shaped arrow? that resembles an early form of the Coptic Cross, which may have had associations with the Egyptian symbol of life, the Ankh.


In Chapter 186, Ryūken reveals he is a Quincy. He has what appears to be the Cross Potent, primarily used in heraldry, as decoration on his tie. A version of this heraldic emblem could be found as the Jerusalem or Crusaders’ Cross. Ryūken also has a Quincy five-point pentacle in his pocket.


Lastly in this Ryūken section, we see the five-point Quincy pentacle inscribed on Uryū’s chest when his powers are restored.


Continuing on in the HM Arc - we see that Uryū is carrying a Quincy pentacle that looks identical to the one his Father held. And what’s more, his new bow, “Ginrei Kojaku”, is bearing six-points that very closely resemble the six-point Cross we associate with Yhwach.


For the Cover Page of Chapter 243 - Kubo has costumed Uryū in trousers that appear to bear the Cross Pattée familiar in heraldry (and as the German "Iron Cross") and his belt buckle has a giant Greek Cross X on it. The background emblems bear the “fleurs-de-lis” that are associated with the Cross Fleury. Are you Cross-eyed yet?


The Swastika and the X-Men


Originally a Sanskrit word meaning “well-being”, the Swastika is used by modern day Hindus as a good luck charm. It’s origins are elusive, and there are many interesting theories. However, it’s current usage and meaning are somewhat better defined.

To the Hindus it can mean God, energy, or the "Four Faces of Brahma” (four directions of the world). To Eastern Asia it often represents “all"," the myriad", or “eternity." In Japanese, it is a homonym to the word “manji” which means the 10,000 or the all/the many. In Western culture it was at one time called the “Tetra-Gammadion” based on the Greek Letter Gamma “ Γ “ - with each arm representing an interlinking Gamma. In early Europe it was quite often associated with the pagan symbol called the Sun Cross. The rotating arms of a tetra-gammadion representing a spinning wheel and the spherical rays of the Sun and life itself.

It is also on the tsuba of Tensa Zangetsu and used by our Hero Ichigo.


X comes up next! We’ve seen it on the calling card for Xcution in the Lost Agent Arc. X is also the Roman Numeral 10. It is also the Greek Letter “Chi”, the first Greek letter spelling “Christ.” An “X” is considered a form of cross or “Saltire” in Heraldry, and is also known as St. Andrew’s Cross.

The X is represented several times in Ginjō’s Design. The first X we see is the Saltire cross that he wears around his neck as his Fullbringer object. This transforms into his cross-shaped Claymore named “Cross of Scaffold” that is decorated with a fleur-de-lis motif on the crossguard. (We earlier saw this motif associated with Uryū Ishida.)


The X is also represented several times in Ichigo’s Design. First we notice the distinct X on his Substitute Shinigami Badge. This then transforms with his use of Fullbring into the familiar Swastika pattern from Tensa Zangetsu.


What happens next is amazing. As he begins to rotate his Substitute Badge, it creates the pattern of a Sun Cross.


As it begins to rotate, we see this simple cross transform into a six-armed disk that bears a strong resemblance to the IX Monogram. The “Iota Chi” - which represents the first initials in Greek of the name “Jesus” (Iesous) “Christ” (Cristos).


Then when his attack lands - we see an amazing eight-armed spinning wheel. This, again, looks very much like a Sun Cross, and, as Polgarena pointed out in another thread, bears a strong resemblence to the Slavic Sun Cross Slonecsko aka Kolovrat.


In Chapter 452 - we see Ichigo’s mature Fullbring transform his Substitute Badge from the simple X shape to a rotated and vertical X with additional vertical lines replacing the skull. This could possibly once again represent the six-point IX Cross.


Lastly, to finish up the Fullbring Arc, we see Ginjō’s Substitute Shinigami Badge transform into a large skull with an X, and later his Bankai gives him not only an X on his forehead, but X-shaped energy radiates around him.


Ichigo has recovered his Shinigami powers, and now sports an X-theme in his Shihakushō design.


For fun, I also include the other prominent X-Man featured in the Manga. It’s the prominent X on Commander Yamamoto’s forehead.


Shun Shun Rikka


There is another character whose design can be said to feature the six-arms or petals of the IX Monogram. Orihime and her Shun Shun Rikka. Is it possible that her dangerous parents were Quincies?


The Wandenreich Crosses


While the emblem of the Wandenreich is similar to the five-point cross of the Ishida clan, it’s design is quite a bit different. The tapered blades with flared ends give it more the look of a Crux pattée which might be associated with the German "Iron Cross" and is part of what gives the Wandenreich design more of the connotations of Nazism. It is also enclosed in a circle creating more the star-pattern look of a Pentagram/Pentacle.


The Pentagram suggests the “Star” that has been frequently referenced in the story, while also lending an air of the Occult to the Wandenreich. Even the controversial portrait of Harribel is suggestive of an “inverted” Pentagram, the embodiment of evil.


Asguiaro Ebern (Ivan) displays the same Quincy pendant we’ve seen both of the Ishida carry - then something curious happens. When he tries to steal Ichigo’s Bankai, the operation of his medallion is represented by an interesting Saltire/Greek cross with a bullseye concentric circle in the center. (In Heraldry - it might be referred to as a Pierced Saltire) What the heck is this thing?


The next remarkable cross symbology revealed is from Sternritter J, Quilge Opie. He displays a formidable Vollständig that begins with a five-point star cross and escalates quickly into a six-point star cross that greatly resembles the Celtic Cross in style.


His “Halo” is also a fived-armed Pentacle disk and later, in Chapter 492, when Quilge confronts Ayon, we see his Vollständig Halo is tilted forward and resembles the inverted Pentagram/Pentacle.


Next, in Chapter 493, “Light of Happiness”, as Quilge initiates “Sklaverei” (aka Slavery) we see a cross-beam of energy in the sky that astonishes all of the HM observers. In one of the more surprising duplicate panel occurrences of this arc - I have observed that this five-point Sklaverei Cross is extremely similar to the four-point Cross created by Getsuga Jūjishō in Chapter 584. Probably just a coincidence...


Moving along, in Chapter 554, “Desperate Lights” - we are treated to a chain-reaction mass Vollständig when Urahara’s Pills reinstate the Shinigami’s Bankais. Here, much like with Quilge Opie, they strongly resemble a Celtic Cross in their shape and style, with the IX Monogram combined.


There are many other instances of the Wandenreich five-arm Emblem. Flags, banners, and rosary-like pendants. Most of them quite similar, so I won’t reiterate them here. The only other Cross of significance seems to be the inverted Cross of Peter shown most recently on the tower of Silbern.

Originally, this tower was depicted with what might appear to be a normal + or Greek Cross. Now, more recently in Chapters 582 & 584, we see the niche in what's become known as “Hashwalth's Tower" is elongated and resembles more the inverted Cross of Peter. I think maybe it grew?


Yhwach: IX Marks the Spot


Finally we come to the more recent Crosses and Symbols. In the Volume 63 Thread, B. Haddrell graciously took the time to scan the omake sketches appearing at the end of each Chapter. As you may know, often Kubo-sensei will insert little clues or jokes in those sketches. Belius helpfully posted them and then everyone immediately noticed this odd sketch.


Polgarena was the first to mention the possibility of there being a Christian monogram involved - you can pick up the thread of the conversation starting HERE. You can read about this on Wikipedia and elsewhere (like I did) - but briefly - in Early Christianity there were several “code” names for Jesus Christ. Many of them based around His initials in Greek.

There was the “Chi Rho”, which is Greek for the first two letters of “Cristos” or Christ.

As you can see, it looks like a little stick figure star with the “Rho” or P forming the head of the figure.

The one the sketch looks like is IX, which is Greek for “Iota Chi” - Jesus in Greek is “Iesous” - so “Iota Chi” is a monogram for “Iesous Cristos” or Jesus Christ.

IX is also the Roman Numeral for 9 - an unlucky number in Japanese - and a key number in the lore or Yhwach.

There are several crosses associated directly with Yhwach. The first of note is the Quincy Brooch with decorative ribbon that he wears above his left breast pocket like a medal. This is shown in close-up in Chapter 506, The Fire 02, and he uses it to create his sword. It is different than any other design, in that in addition to the five-armed traditional Quincy design shown in the Ishida pendant, there is an additional five-armed star embossed on it, for a total of ten rays or arms. This then transforms into his sword.


Next in Chapter 508, Fake-Yhwach/Royd is shown creating Kirchenlied: Sankt Zwinger. This is memorable for the number of crosses with IX Monograms it creates.


Lastly, for Yhwach we have his amazing Reishi Broadsword. In Chapter 510, he stabs the heavens with his sword, and in a move reminiscent of Byakuya, draws a six-armed IX Monogram sword from the sky.


Most recently, in Chapter 584: The Headless Star 03, we have Haschwalth, like Yhwach in Chapter 510, stabbing the sky with his sword to create the “Key.” This propigates a five-point star in the heavens which is then transformed into a six-point IX Monogram on the ground.


So, there you have it. Many crosses to bear. Hopefully, many of you will be able to add to this thread, correct any errors, and inform myself and others.

So what does it all mean? Are we about to get a head on top of our headless star?

Last edited by NeoPlatonist; Yesterday at 07:36 PM.

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