I'm finally all caught up on
HP Alternity. I fell behind sometime last autumn and didn't get up to date before Babybunny was born. Now I've been slowly catching up whenever I've had a few minutes to spare and I've really enjoyed it. I don't have time to read fics (or books) at the moment, but it's possible to read an entry or two every now and then and enjoy this very well-written RPG. Alternity is the only RPG I've followed after Nocturne Alley. I like the way Alternity consists only on journal entries and comments that the characters write. The "Voldemort has won" scenario is also interesting and the story is understandably quite dark, but not too dark. I love the way the game proceeds in real time and that the players are going to play the whole 7 books of (alternate) story in 7 years. In a way I sometimes hope the game would evolve faster, but that doesn't mean it's boring. I just can't wait to see how things will happen in this version of the story and what will happen to each of the characters! I'm impatient, but in a good way. :) It's nice to know that there will be years of good fannish writing to read, if the players can really keep it up for so long.
The game is now on 2nd year and I've been following it from the beginning. Chamber of Secrets is my least favourite book of the series, but the Alternity version hasn't left me bored in the least.
If anyone would like to take a look of the game, it's possible to start from the very beginning by following the links posted on
alt_fen. There are weekly summaries posted with links to every entry. I love it how easy they've made the reading for their audience, even to people who don't want to friend all RPG journals or can't read the entries every day or even every week or month.