five times five

Apr 13, 2008 10:15

Wow, a lot of requests for lists...

My 5 favourite candies
1. Daim
2. these new Truly candies, especially Truly Black
3. mint crisp chocolate (Fazer)
4. chocolate and yoghurt raisins
5. turkinpippurit (Turkish peppers)

Top 5 things I'd like to delegate to another person if I could
1. Writing job applications
2. Starting a knitting project (I hate casting on and knitting the first one or two rounds)
3. Taking a haircut (I really don't enjoy sitting in the hair salons and I never know what I want, so I must be a terrible customer)
4. ...that said, annoying customers at work
5. Shopping for a new pair of pants

5 things I associate with early spring
1. the last snow melting in puddles
2. dust
3. muted colours, earth tones
4. how good it feels to wake up when it's not dark
5. sun that is warm but not hot

My 5 favourite tea flavours:
1. Darjeeling
2. Lapsang Souchong
3. Rooibos
4. Indian spices (is it called Chai tea?)
5. Lemon tea

My 5 favourite books:
1. Michael Cunningham: Flesh and Blood
2. William Makepeace Thackerey: Vanity Fair
3. Marjane Satrapi: Persepolis (graphic novel)
4. Ilkka Malmberg: Tuntemattomat sotilaat (kokoelma esseitä Tuntemattomaan sotilaaseen liittyen, osa julkaistu aiemmin Hesarissa)
5. Nikolai Vasiljevits Gogol: The Nose (I read it after the job interview on Wednesday and it gave me a lot of laughs, a short story)
These are books I enjoyed very much during the past 6 months. I can't go for all-time favourites, because... I just can't. (Who can?)

More to come :)


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