(no subject)

Oct 08, 2010 09:22

Strong. Resourceful. Confident. Supportive. Encouraging. Capable. Helpful. All words that really can’t be used to describe yours truly.

However, I am male, and therefore have an overpowering urge to fix things with my hands; and I am the product of three hundred thousand years of evolution through the breeding of winners, thinkers and survivors, and I’ve learned through experience that if I can get the civilised, intellectual and lefty part of my brain to just shut up once in a while, I am occasionally capable of pulling things out of the fire (remember the trendy who followed my home to Sneinton one night because he intended to beat my head in with a lump of concrete? If you’d told me in advance that my brain would have taken things largely out of my hands and got me out of that so efficiently, I’d have thought you were taking the piss; in hindsight, I’m not sure I even believe it now).

Anyway, poor crazyspideylady really doesn’t like heights, to an extent I never would have expected; it was bizarre and not a little disquieting to see someone who I know is normally so tough and so capable trying to tackle head on something they’re just don’t feel able to cope with.

Snap decision time: Get her down out of the scaffolding entirely and forget the whole enterprise, or knuckle down and help her go through with it. After… ooh, almost a whole second’s worth of consideration, I picked the latter. While crazyspideylady might not have believed in her ability to make it up to the window, I had rather more confidence in the young lady. I knew for a fact that she had beaten other phobias in the past, and I was certain she could defeat this one too.

Quote of the Day:
“The more worried you are, the less you can afford to show it.”
- Simon R. Green, Paths Not Taken
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