Sometimes I wish I wasnt so shy with men...sometimes, ya know....maybe I could know what to say or do.
Like when I really...*ahem* want tim, I just kinda hint and hint untill he finially gets it, or i wait for him to want me then y know. But I dont mind, I love tim more than anything so its okay...i can wait for him, really i can. I dont wanna force him to do anything he doesnt want to.
Anyway, today was pretty cool. Tim and I talked on the phone ALOT!! And alot was said..alot was done, and we almost broke up, thanks to my stupidity and *someones* kind words. Lol, im being really...sarcastic when i say kind. But yeah, we're still together and im trying to do everything i can to make him happy right now. Im excited for him to come down in march, i think it'll be cool. Very very cool to be exact!! I want to take him evvverywhere!!!
Other than that, I havnt done much all day. Seriously, I got up, got online then tim called...talked to him, then 30 min. later her called back and we talked untill 6 then i got on here and talked to him more. It was cool. I set up my yahoo calander with all of my shit for school and tim, i mean wow. I have one day off in may, that sucks ass...but in feb. march and april, i have weeks off at a time. Thats pretty strange. Tim doesnt have Feb. break like I do, so thats gonna be really sad and all, I'll just be sitting around, waiting for him to call me....Its gonna suck majorly.
OO!! I forgot to tell all of my avid readers!! I GOTS A JOB!! WOO!! Well, Its not a "job" persay...i just go into walley world and demo food for people. I was mean i get to hand out free food samples!! YEE!! But fuck man, it pays $8-10 a hr and i get like a hr. lunch and 3 15 min. breaks, and i get a partner so i was like, pssh fuck yeah. This first one is gonna be sometime in feb. on a gettin paid $10 a hr, and its only my first demo!! WOO!!! So thats really cool, Im gonna save up the money and buy something really meaingfull...I know what now, but i dont wanna say...not yet, i might jinxs my luck.
When I get my own place, I wanna get a phish tank (and yesh, i relize that i spelled fish differently :D). I was thinking about it...and I have such a question.
Mensa is moving up in May/June to be with his fiance. But you see, Mensa is going to live in an appartment, and his fiance will be living at her parrents house untill she finishes school. Mensa and this girl intend on getting married, so does that mean that mensa's appartment is her appartment too?? Could she, without breaking any rules, ask him to get a phish tank?? Would it be okay to hang out there alll the time, I mean like after school untill her cerfew..and even sometimes go there in the mornings before school?? Would she be sufficating mensa too much??
Anyway, for thoes who dont give a damn about mensa, lets move on shall we?? Lol, tim went to go eat dinner and watch a movie with his parrents, so im just kinda hanging out...alone. I started to rp again last night, but i dont know...i only do it when tims not now.
Chaio My bitches!!
*love* becky
{edit} I hate eating, more than anything in this world. So tonight i got really hungry and was gonna have a sandwitch. But mom and dad told me that i couldnt have a sandwitch for a meal, so i had three slices of bread with butter on them. There mom and dad, its a sandwitch AND a half..kiss my ass.